How to Import Excel Files with Different Names and Same Schema into Database

SSIS: Insert multiple Excel files with same format but different file name to multiple database table destinations based on the Excel filename

As read in the comment, We cannot load into multiple tables with in a for-each loop as long as they share different table structure.

If All excel sheets share same structure, we can avoid the complexities. the following steps may help you.

1. DFT 1
a. Develop an SSIS package with a DFT to load all your excel files into a single stage table.
b. In the table in addition to the excel columns, add a separate column to store file name.
c. Use a for-each loop with 'Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator'.
d. Again it will be help you if excel files share a common file name pattern.(ProjA_140527.xls, ProjA_140528.xls,ProjB_140527.xls etc),
so that you can use Proj*.xls to fetch the excel files.

2. DFT 2
a. After this DFT, add another DFT. use an OLE DB Source taking data from stage table.
b. After the source, add a conditional split. Write expressions based on excel file name column.
c. if you have 5 projects, conditional split will have 5 outputs and 1 non-matching output.
d. Map each project tables to conditional split outputs.

Importing excel files having variable headers

First of all, my solution is based on @DrHouseofSQL and @Bhouse answers, so you have to read @DrHouseofSQL answer first then @BHouse answer then continue with this answer


Note : Page name will be dynamic and Column position may change (eg: Column "ABC may exist in first row or second row or ...

This situation is a little complex and can be solved using the following workaround:

Solution Overview

  1. Add a script task before the data flow task that import the data
  2. You have to use the script task to open the excel file and get the Worksheet name and the header row
  3. Build the Query and store it in a variable
  4. in the second Data Flow task you have to use the query stored above as source (Note that you have to set Delay Validation property to true)

Solution Details

  1. First create an SSIS variable of type string (i.e. @[User::strQuery])
  2. Add another variable that contains the Excel File Path (i.e. @[User::ExcelFilePath])
  3. Add A Script Task, and select @[User::strQuery] as ReadWrite Variable, and @[User::ExcelFilePath] as ReadOnly Variable (in the script task window)
  4. Set the Script Language to VB.Net and in the script editor window write the following script:

Note: you have to imports System.Data.OleDb

In the code below, we search the excel first 15 rows to find the header, you can increase the number if the header can be found after the 15 rows. Also i assumed that the columns range is from A to I

    m_strExcelPath = Dts.Variables.Item("ExcelFilePath").Value.ToString

Dim strSheetname As String = String.Empty
Dim intFirstRow As Integer = 0

m_strExcelConnectionString = Me.BuildConnectionString()

Using OleDBCon As New OleDbConnection(m_strExcelConnectionString)

If OleDBCon.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
End If

'Get all WorkSheets
m_dtschemaTable = OleDBCon.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables,
New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})

'Loop over work sheet to get the first one (the excel may contains temporary sheets or deleted ones

For Each schRow As DataRow In m_dtschemaTable.Rows
strSheetname = schRow("TABLE_NAME").ToString

If Not strSheetname.EndsWith("_") AndAlso strSheetname.EndsWith("$") Then

Using cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" & strSheetname & "A1:I15]", OleDBCon)

Dim dtTable As New DataTable("Table1")

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

Using daGetDataFromSheet As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)


For intCount As Integer = 0 To 15

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dtTable.Rows(intCount)(0).ToString) Then

'+1 because datatable is zero based indexed, +1 because we want to start from the second row
intFirstRow = intCount + 2

End If


End Using

If intFirstRow = 0 Then Throw New Exception("header not found")

End Using

'when the first correct sheet is found there is no need to check others
Exit For

End If


End Using

Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
End Try

Dts.Variables.Item("strQuery").Value = "SELECT * FROM [" & strSheetname & "A" & intFirstRow.ToString & ":I]"

Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub

  1. Then you have to add an Excel connection manager, and choose the excel file that you want to import (just select a sample to define the metadata for the first time only)
  2. Assign a default value of Select * from [Sheet1$A2:I] to the variable @[User::strQuery]
  3. In the Data Flow Task add an Excel Source, choose SQL Command from variable, and select @[User::strQuery]
  4. Go to the columns tab and name the columns in the same way that @BHouse suggested

Image taken from @BHouse answer

  1. Set the DataFlow Task Delay Validation property to True
  2. Add other components to DataFlow Task


From the OP comments: sometimes excel with empty data will come.(i.e) we have only header row not not data... in that case it fails entire task


If your excel file contains no data (only header) you have to do these steps:

  1. Add an SSIS variable of type boolean *(i.e. @[User::ImportFile])
  2. Add @[User::ImportFile] to the script task ReadWrite variables
  3. In the Script Task check if the file contains rows
  4. If yes Set @[User::ImportFile] = True, else @[User::ImportFile] = False
  5. Double Click on the arrow (precedence constraint) that connect the script task to the DataFlow
  6. Set its type to Constraint and Expression
  7. Write the following expression

    @[User::ImportFile] == True

Note: The new Script Task code is:

    m_strExcelPath = Dts.Variables.Item("ExcelFilePath").Value.ToString

Dim strSheetname As String = String.Empty
Dim intFirstRow As Integer = 0

m_strExcelConnectionString = Me.BuildConnectionString()

Using OleDBCon As New OleDbConnection(m_strExcelConnectionString)

If OleDBCon.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
End If

'Get all WorkSheets
m_dtschemaTable = OleDBCon.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables,
New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})

'Loop over work sheet to get the first one (the excel may contains temporary sheets or deleted ones

For Each schRow As DataRow In m_dtschemaTable.Rows
strSheetname = schRow("TABLE_NAME").ToString

If Not strSheetname.EndsWith("_") AndAlso strSheetname.EndsWith("$") Then

Using cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" & strSheetname & "A1:I15]", OleDBCon)

Dim dtTable As New DataTable("Table1")

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

Using daGetDataFromSheet As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)


For intCount As Integer = 0 To 15

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dtTable.Rows(intCount)(0).ToString) Then

'+1 because datatable is zero based indexed, +1 because we want to start from the second row
intFirstRow = intCount + 2

End If


End Using

End Using

'when the first correct sheet is found there is no need to check others
Exit For

End If


End Using

Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
End Try

If intFirstRow = 0 OrElse _
intFirstRow > dtTable.Rows.Count Then

Dts.Variables.Item("ImportFile").Value = False


Dts.Variables.Item("ImportFile").Value = True

End If

Dts.Variables.Item("strQuery").Value = "SELECT * FROM [" & strSheetname & "A" & intFirstRow.ToString & ":I]"

Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub


From the OP comments: is there any other work around available to process the data flow task without skipping all data flow task,Actually one of the task will log the filename and data count and all, which are missing here


  1. Just add another DATA FLOW task
  2. Connect this dataflow with the script task using another connector and with the expression @[User::ImportFile] == False (same steps of the first connector)
  3. In the DataFlow Task add a SCript Component as a Source
  4. Create the Output columns you want to import to Logs
  5. Create a Row that contains the information you need to import
  6. Add the Log Destination

Or Instead of adding another Data Flow Task, you can add an Execute SQL Task to insert a row in the Log Table

How to import an excel file in to a MySQL database

  1. Export it into some text format. The easiest will probably be a tab-delimited version, but CSV can work as well.

  2. Use the load data capability. See

  3. Look half way down the page, as it will gives a good example for tab separated data:


  4. Check your data. Sometimes quoting or escaping has problems, and you need to adjust your source, import command-- or it may just be easier to post-process via SQL.

insert data from more than one excel sheet of one file into table using SSIS?

If you always want to ignore the first 5 rows and take the value in the 6th, use the SQL Server Destination component and set the first row and last row to insert as explained by Jiqin Ma Import single cell

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