There Is Already an Object Named '#Columntable' in the Database

There is already an object named '#columntable' in the database

Temp tables are not dropped automatically at the end of a query, only when the current connection to the DB is dropped or you explicitly delete them with DROP TABLE #columntable

Either test for the existence of the table at the start of the query or alwayas delete it at the end (preferably both)

EDIT: As Matrin said in his comment, this is actually a parse error. You get the same error if you only parse the SQL as when you execute it.

To test that out I split up your query and tried:

if exists (select 1 from emp where id = 6)
create table #columntable (newcolumns varchar(100))
if not exists (select 1 from emp where id = 6)
create table #columntable (oldcolumns varchar(100))

The parser is happy with that. Interestingly if you change to using non-temp tables the original query parses fine (I realise the problems that would create, I was just interested to find out why the query would not parse).

Stored Procedure: There is already an object named '#columntable' in the database

As per SQL Server specification, it is not allowed. Please refer to the documentation.

If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored
procedure or batch, they must have different names.

You are creating two temporary tables, with the same name #dbreviews. This is not allowed.

There is already an object named in the database

it seems there is a problem in migration process, run add-migration command in "Package Manager Console":

Add-Migration Initial -IgnoreChanges

do some changes, and then update database from "Initial" file:

Update-Database -verbose

-IgnoreChanges is in EF6 but not in EF Core, here's a workaround:

Odd error using IF/ELSE IF statements

Since only the top number of records are difference. You can try this

declare @num int 

SET @num = CASE @indexName
ELSE 100

select top (@num) * into #temp from #pretemp order by EMRev desc

Play slick 3 binding/conversion object to column table

You need to add mapping from relational model to object model and vice versa.

sealed trait Occupation

object Occupation {

implicit val occupationType = MappedColumnType.base[Occupation, String](
{ occupation => if(occupation==Teacher) "Teacher" else if (occupation == Student) "Student" else "Others"},
{ occupation => if(occupation == "Teacher") Teacher else if (occupation == "Student") Student else Others }
case object Teacher extends Occupation
case object Student extends Occupation
case object Others extends Occupation

Here is more details:

How can I get column names from a table in Oracle?

You can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS table for table column metadata.

SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length
WHERE table_name = 'MYTABLE'

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