SQL Server Regular Expressions

Using RegEx in SQL Server

You do not need to interact with managed code, as you can use LIKE:

CREATE TABLE #Sample(Field varchar(50), Result varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123 ', 'Do not match')
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123.', 'Do not match')
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123&', 'Match')
SELECT * FROM #Sample WHERE Field LIKE '%[^a-z0-9 .]%'

As your expression ends with + you can go with '%[^a-z0-9 .][^a-z0-9 .]%'


To make it clear: SQL Server doesn't support regular expressions without managed code. Depending on the situation, the LIKE operator can be an option, but it lacks the flexibility that regular expressions provides.

SQL Regex Expression

select *
values ('ABC-12345'), ('AB-123'), ('A-12345'), ('A1B-1234'), ('ABC12345'), ('xyz-12'), ('klmno-12345'), ('abc.12345')
) as t(v)
where v like '[A-Z]%-%[0-9]' --values start with letter & contain a hyphen & end with a digit
--left part
and len(substring(v, 1, charindex('-', v)-1)) between 1 and 3 --the left part is 1-3 chars long
and substring(v, 1, charindex('-', v)-1) not like '%[^A-Z]%'--the left part has only letters
--right part
and len(stuff(v, 1, charindex('-', v), '')) between 3 and 5 --right part is 3-5 chars long
and stuff(v, 1, charindex('-', v), '') not like '%[^0-9]%'; --and it contains only digits

SQL Server 2016 How to use a simple Regular Expression in T-SQL?

First, case sensitivity depends on the collation of the DB, though with LIKE you can specify case comparisons. With that... here is some Boolean logic to take care of the cases you stated. Though, you may need to add additional clauses if you discover some bogus input.

declare @table table (Person varchar(64), is_correct_format varchar(3) default 'NO')
insert into @table (Person)
('LowerCase, Here'),
('ONLY FIRST UPPER, LowerLast'),
('WEGOT, FormaNUMB3RStted'),
('NoComma Formatted'),

update @table
set is_correct_format = 'YES'
Person not like '%[^A-Z, ]%' --check for non characters, excluding comma and spaces
and len(replace(Person,' ','')) = len(replace(replace(Person,' ',''),',','')) + 1 --make sure there is only one comma
and charindex(',',Person) <> 1 --make sure the comma isn't at the beginning
and charindex(',',Person) <> len(Person) --make sure the comma isn't at the end
and substring(Person,charindex(',',Person) - 1,1) <> ' ' --make sure there isn't a space before comma
and left(Person,1) <> ' ' --check preceeding spaces
and UPPER(Person) = Person collate Latin1_General_CS_AS --check collation for CI default (only upper cases)

select * from @table

MSSQL Regular expression

This is what I have used in the end:

CASE WHEN [url] NOT LIKE '%[^-A-Za-z0-9/.+$]%'
THEN 'Valid'
ELSE 'No valid'
END [Validate]
ORDER BY [Validate]

Complex RegEx in T-SQL

I would recommend writing a user defined function using SQLCLR. Since .Net supports Regex you can port it to T-SQL. First link in Google gave this implementation, but there may be other (better) implementations.

Caveat - use of SQLCLR requires elevated permissions and may lead to security issues or performance issues or even issues with stability of the SQL Server if not implemented correctly. But if you know what you are doing this may lead to significant enhancements of T-SQL specific for your use cases.

SQL Server Regex - Find single instance of character

You can use the pattern %[^&]&[^&]% to find an & that does not have the same character before and after it. Strings shorter than 3 characters must be padded for this trick to work:

WHERE CONCAT('|', vals, '|') LIKE '%[^&]&[^&]%'

T-SQL Equivalent of regular expression '\b'

I think pattern '%"Id":1234[^a-zA-Z0-9]%' will do.

It uses negated character class [^a-zA-Z0-9], which works as in regular regex :)


declare @tbl table (col varchar(100));
insert into @tbl values
('{"Id":1234, "Title": "The quick brown"}'),
('{"Id":1234, "Title": "The quick brown"}'),
('Id":1234, "Title": "The quick brown"}'),
('{"Id":12345, "Title": "The quick brown"}');

select *
from @tbl
where col like '%"Id":1234[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'

SQL Query with Regular Expression in LIKE function

I think you need to tweak the search for "F Risk":

FROM TestDesc
WHERE [desc] LIKE '%Risk%' AND [desc] NOT LIKE '%[ (]F Risk%'

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