How to Generate (Or Get) a Ddl Script on an Existing Table in Oracle? I Have to Re-Create Them in Hive

How to get Oracle create table statement in SQL*Plus

From Get table and index DDL the easy way:

set heading off;
set echo off;
Set pages 999;
set long 90000;

spool ddl_list.sql

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','DEPT','SCOTT') from dual;

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX','DEPT_IDX','SCOTT') from dual;

spool off;


This works on functions, procedures, packages, types, synonyms, trigger and views.


After updating the post for the third time, I'll reformulate this:

This does not work on tables :)

And yes, there is documentation on this syntax, and there are no REPLACE option for CREATE TABLE.

How to convert mysql DDL into hive DDL

I actually thought this was not supported, but after looking at the Source here is what I saw in

* @return true if we're just generating the DDL for the import, but
* not actually running it (i.e., --generate-only mode). If so, don't
* do any side-effecting actions in Hive.
private boolean isGenerateOnly() {
return generateOnly;

* @return a File object that can be used to write the DDL statement.
* If we're in gen-only mode, this should be a file in the outdir, named
* after the Hive table we're creating. If we're in import mode, this should
* be a one-off temporary file.
private File getScriptFile(String outputTableName) throws IOException {
if (!isGenerateOnly()) {
return File.createTempFile("hive-script-", ".txt",
new File(options.getTempDir()));
} else {
return new File(new File(options.getCodeOutputDir()),
outputTableName + ".q");

So basically you should be able to do only the DDL generation using the option --generate-only used in cunjunction with --outdir and your table will be create in the output dir specified and named after your table.

For example based on the link you provided:

sqoop import --verbose --fields-terminated-by ',' --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --table employee --hive-import --warehouse-dir /user/hive/warehouse --fields-terminated-by ',' --split-by id --hive-table employee --outdir /tmp/mysql_to_hive/ddl --generate-only

will create /tmp/mysql_to_hive/ddl/employee.q

How to create hive table from Spark data frame, using its schema?

Assuming, you are using Spark 2.1.0 or later and my_DF is your dataframe,

//get the schema split as string with comma-separated field-datatype pairs
StructType my_schema = my_DF.schema();
String columns =
.map(field ->" "+field.dataType().typeName())

//drop the table if already created
spark.sql("drop table if exists my_table");
//create the table using the dataframe schema
spark.sql("create table my_table(" + columns + ")
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' location '/my/hdfs/location'");
//write the dataframe data to the hdfs location for the created Hive table

The other method using temp table

spark.sql("drop table if exists my_table");
spark.sql("create table my_table as select * from my_temp_table");

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