Count of Non-Null Columns in Each Row

Count of non-null columns in each row

select count(*)
from (values (T.Column1), (T.Column2), (T.Column3), (T.Column4)) as v(col)
where v.col is not null
) as Column5
from Table1 as T

Count non-null values in each column of a dataframe in R

With aggregate, use sum of non-NA elements (assuming the missing value is NA) as length returns the total number of elements (per group as we are grouping by group)

aggregate(. ~ group, df, FUN = function(x) sum(!, na.action = NULL)

If the NA value is a string element "N/A"

aggregate(. ~ group, df, FUN = function(x) sum(x != "N/A"), na.action = NULL)
group cell_a cell_b cell_c
1 A 2 3 2
2 B 2 0 1


df <- structure(list(cell_a = c("N/A", "1.2", "3", "N/A", "1.2", "2"
), cell_b = c("2.5", "3.6", "2.1", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A"), cell_c = c("5",
"N/A", "3.2", "1", "N/A", "N/A"), group = c("A", "A", "A", "B",
"B", "B")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

Count non-null values from multiple columns at once without manual entry in SQL

Consider below approach (no knowledge of column names is required at all - with exception of user)

select column, countif(value != 'null') nulls_count
from your_table t,
select as struct trim(arr[offset(0)], '"') column, trim(arr[offset(1)], '"') value
from unnest(split(trim(to_json_string(t), '{}'))) kv,
unnest([struct(split(kv, ':') as arr)])
where trim(arr[offset(0)], '"') != 'user'
)) rec
group by column

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Sample Image

Is there a way to count non-null values per row in a spark df?

Convert the null values to true/false, then to integers, then sum them:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType

df = spark.createDataFrame([[1, None, None, 0],
[2, 3, 4, None],
[None, None, None, None],
[1, 5, 7, 2]], 'a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int')[F.isnull(df[col]).cast(IntegerType()) for col in df.columns]).alias('null_count')).show()


| 2|
| 1|
| 4|
| 0|

BigQuery - Count non-nulls across columns where the column name matches regex patterns

Consider below approach

select key, 
select as struct
countif(column_value != 'null') as count_non_nulls,
countif(column_value = 'null') as count_nulls
from unnest(split(translate(to_json_string(t), '{}"', ''))) kv,
unnest([struct(split(kv, ':')[offset(0)] as column_name, split(kv, ':')[offset(1)] as column_value)])
where column_name != 'key'
and starts_with(column_name, 'col')
from `project.dataset.table` t

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Sample Image

Note: if you need to use whatever regex you have - you can use it instead of below line

starts_with(column_name, 'col')

Oracle: Count non-null fields for each column in a table

Construct the query in SQL or using a spreadsheet. Then run the query.

For instance, assuming that your column names are simple and don't have special characters:

select replace('select ''[col]'', count([col]) from orders union all ',
'[col]', COLUMN_NAME
) as sql

(Of course, this can be adapted for more complex column names, but I'm trying to show the idea.)

Then copy the code, remove the final union all and run it.

You can put this in one string if there are not too many columns:

select listagg(replace('select ''[col]'', count([col]) from orders',
'[col]', COLUMN_NAME
), ' union all '
) within group (order by column_name) as sql

You can also use execute immediate using the same query, but that seems like overkill.

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