Error: Column Does Not Exist

PostgreSQL Column does not exist but it actually does

Try to take it into double quotes - like "Continent" in the query:

SELECT "Continent"
FROM network.countries

PostgreSQL column 'foo' does not exist

You accidentally created the column name with a trailing space and presumably phpPGadmin created the column name with double quotes around it:

create table your_table (
"foo " -- ...

That would give you a column that looked like it was called foo everywhere but you'd have to double quote it and include the space whenever you use it:

select ... from your_table where "foo " is not null

The best practice is to use lower case unquoted column names with PostgreSQL. There should be a setting in phpPGadmin somewhere that will tell it to not quote identifiers (such as table and column names) but alas, I don't use phpPGadmin so I don't where that setting is (or even if it exists).

Getting column does not exist error in postgresql sql table

You need to use single quote instead of double quote

SELECT * FROM test where source = 'aaamt'

PostgreSQL ERROR column does not exist refers to a column value

Use single quotes for literal strings. Double quotes stand for identifiers (such as column names or table names) - hence the error that you are getting:

INSERT INTO projects(id, project_name)
VALUES('1234', 'Test_Project')

That said, I would suspect that id is of integer datatype. If so, don't quote it at all:

INSERT INTO projects(id, project_name)
VALUES(1234, 'Test_Project')

Postgresql database error: column does not exist

better to do it this way by using %s placeholder:

sql = "INSERT INTO company_chunks(company_id, chunk) VALUES (%s, %s)"
var = (c_id,chunk)

PostgreSQL: ERROR: column “” does not exist

The WHERE clause should be a HAVING clause:

SELECT name, MIN(rating) AS minrating
FROM actors
HAVING MIN(rating) > 8.5

Note that the column alias you defined cannot be used on the HAVING clause, so we need to repeat the MIN expression.

dblink returns SQL Error [42703]: ERROR: column xy does not exist

This is the select statement you create:

select XXX as name , as service, es.scopes::varchar as scopes from services es

where XXX is the value of - and the value of rec_key.srv in the latter case.

In the former case, the statement evaluates to:

select dba01 as name , as service, es.scopes::varchar as scopes from services es

but in the latter case:

select 100 as name , as service, es.scopes::varchar as scopes from services es

In the former case, the error is issued as the column dba01 does not exist. In the latter case, the number 100 is selected as name. It is a perfectly valid statement as it is not interpreted as a column name.

If you want to select the text value "dba01" as column "name" you can change that part to:

''' || || '''::text as name ,

Best regards, Bjarni

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