Comparing with Date in Oracle SQL

How to compare date in Oracle?

There are multiple issues related to your DATE usage:


  1. FORMAT is not an Oracle supported built-in function.
  2. Never ever compare a STRING with DATE. You might just be lucky, however, you force Oracle to do an implicit data type conversion based on your locale-specific NLS settings. You must avoid it. Always use TO_DATE to explicitly convert string to date.

  1. When you are dealing only with date without the time portion, then better use the ANSI DATE Literal.
WHERE ORDER_DATE = DATE '2000-06-07';

Read more about DateTime literals in documentation.


It think it would be helpful to add some more information about DATE.

Oracle does not store dates in the format you see. It stores it
internally in a proprietary format in 7 bytes with each byte storing
different components of the datetime value.

BYTE         Meaning
---- -------
1 Century -- stored in excess-100 notation
2 Year -- " "
3 Month -- stored in 0 base notation
4 Day -- " "
5 Hour -- stored in excess-1 notation
6 Minute -- " "
7 Second -- " "


To display                      : Use TO_CHAR
Any date arithmetic/comparison : Use TO_DATE

Performance Bottleneck:

Let's say you have a regular B-Tree index on a date column. now, the following filter predicate will never use the index due to TO_CHAR function:


So, the use of TO_CHAR in above query is completely meaningless as it does not compare dates, nor does it delivers good performance.

Correct method:

The correct way to do the date comparison is:


It will use the index on the ORDER_DATE column, so it will much better in terms of performance. Also, it is comparing dates and not strings.

As I already said, when you do not have the time element in your date, then you could use ANSI date literal which is NLS independent and also less to code.

WHERE ORDER_DATE = DATE '2000-06-07';

It uses a fixed format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

oracle compare a date with the current date

You can convert the value to a date using to_date():

select to_date(mmyy, 'MMYY')
from t;

Note that I renamed the column mmyy to clarify what it contains.

This returns the first day of the month.

The result of to_date() can then be compared to the current date. For instance, to match the first of date of the month:

where to_date(mmyy, 'MMYY') = trunc(sysdate)

If you want to match everything in the month, just use an appropriate comparison:

where to_char(to_date(mmyy, 'MMYY'), 'YYYY-MM') = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM')

or, more simply:

 where mmyy = to_char(sysdate, 'MMYY')

Compare date with current_date in Oracle

There is a dual too many in your query.

Moreover, in Oracle current_date is not the current date for the database, but the current datetime of your session. While your database server may be in a timezone where it is currently 11 p.m., it may be next day 3 a.m. already on your PC. Whenever you spot current_date in an Oracle query it is very likely wrong.

In Oracle use sysdate for now and trunc(sysdate) for today.

select * 
from hr.customer
where created_at = trunc(sysdate);

Compare Date format with String using oracle

Given your table and data:

Date1 is varchar format and Date2 is TIMESTAMP(6) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE format.

CREATE TABLE table_name (
date1 VARCHAR2(20),

INSERT INTO table_name (
'10-JUN-2021 01:00',
TIMESTAMP '2021-06-10 01:00:00.000000'

You can convert DATE1 to a TIMESTAMP and compare:

FROM table_name

Or, convert DATE2 to a string:

FROM table_name
WHERE Date1 <> TO_CHAR( Date2, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI' );

Which both output zero rows:


When comparing DATE with SYSDATE in oracle SQL, do they consider time?

DATE, in this format excluding time? -> '30-Apr-15'


DATE is in the format '30-Apr-15'

A date is stored in an Oracle-specific internal representation. You can’t actually have a date without a time. But if you do to_date('30-APR-15', 'DD-MON-RR') then since you are not supplying the time components they default to zero - so the date that creates is actually midnight on that day. You can convert it back to a string with to_char() to verify that.

It is better to use 4-digit years, and to avoid month names/abbreviations, and implicit conversions, or to rely on NLS serrings. Explicitly convert using an unambiguous format model if possible. (Of course, the string you supply has to be in the same format.)

You can also use a date literal, as you already are later. But similarly, DATE 1900-01-01 still evaluates to a date with a time - it is midnight on Jan. 1, 1900. (There is also a timestamp literal that allows you to supply the time as well.)

When comparing DATE with SYSDATE ... does it take the current time into consideration? Does it consider the current time at all?

Yes, it uses the time from both the date value - which may be midnight, but is always there - and sysdate.

if the test were to be done on the same day as the data entry, would there be an error?

If the data entry used a date literal or a date string/format with no time, then the column value will be at midnight on the specified day - so it depends what date you used. If the insert used today’s date, date '2017-12-10', then it would be midnight this morning which is earlier than sysdate, so you would not raise an exception. Even if the insert actually used sysdate itself that would be OK as it isn’t later than itself.

The insert would have to either specify a future date, or an explicit time later today, to get the exception. Or a date before 1900, of course.


If you want to ‘ignore’ the time, you can use the trunc() function. For example:


which compares midnight on Test_Date wih midnoght this morning. But from the exception message you are raising, you do want to comoares the time anyway.

Oracle date comparison in where clause

I have a student table with a DOJ(date of joining) column with its type set as DATE now in that I have stored records in dd-mon-yy format.

Not quite, the DATE data-type does not have a format; it is stored internally in tables as 7-bytes (year is 2 bytes and month, day, hour, minute and second are 1-byte each). The user interface you are using (i.e. SQL/PLUS, SQL Developer, Toad, etc.) will handle the formatting of a DATE from its binary format to a human readable format. In SQL/Plus (or SQL Developer) this format is based on the NLS_DATE_FORMAT session parameter.

If the DATE is input using only the day, month and year then the time component is (probably) going to be set to 00:00:00 (midnight).

I have an IN param at runtime with date passed as string or say varchar and its in dd/mm/yyyy format. How do I compare and fetch results on date.?

Assuming the time component for you DOJ column is always midnight then:

FROM students
WHERE doj = TO_DATE( your_param, 'dd/mm/yyyy' )

If it isn't always midnight then:

FROM students
WHERE TRUNC( doj ) = TO_DATE( your_param, 'dd/mm/yyyy' )


FROM students
WHERE doj >= TO_DATE( your_param, 'dd/mm/yyyy' )
AND doj < TO_DATE( your_param, 'dd/mm/yyyy' ) + INTERVAL '1' DAY

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