Can SQL Profiler Display Return Result Sets Alongside the Query

Can SQL Profiler display return result sets alongside the query?

No, you can't get the resultset produced by a query included in an SQL trace. You can only tell various statistics about the call (i.e. the query executed, duration, reads etc etc).

Output parameter values are recorded in the trace (if you parse TextData), and you can get it to include the rowcount info in the trace alongside the query. It just won't show you the actual resultset returned by the query.

Capture query results using SQL Server Profiler

It is not possible to capture the results of a query using SQL Profiler. You can view pretty much everything else though - includung the actual query executed, parameters and their values, query statistics etc.

Show Row Count in SQL Profiler

How about using the RowCounts column?

SQL Server Profiler trace different result on different system for same query

The long duration of the USE statement indicates the database may be set to AUTO_CLOSE ON. Overhead is incurred during database startup when it must be opened.

The setting can be changed with:


How to monitor just t-sql commands in SQL Profiler?

Pick a trace template (such as Tuning) and use a filter.

Either filter by a particular login (such as your own login or a service's login), or a particular database.

For instance, to filter by database: Under Trace properties -> Events tab -> Select show all columns. Set a Like filter on database name.

I find setting a filter on the number of Logical Reads of say > 10 reads, filters out most of the noise.

  • How to: Filter Events in a Trace
  • Using SQL Server Profiler

How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?

You can do the following:

IQueryable query = from x in appEntities
where == 32
select x;

var sql = ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)query).ToTraceString();

or in EF6:

var sql = ((System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectQuery)query)

or in EF6.3+:

var sql = ((dynamic)flooringStoresProducts).Sql;

That will give you the SQL that was generated.

How can I see which tables are changed in SQL Server?

I agree with @Lmu92. SQL Server Profiler is what you want.

From SQL Server Management Studio, click on the "Tools" menu option, and then select to use "SQL SErver Profiler" to launch the tool. The profier will allow you to see statements executed against the database in real time, along with statistics on these statements (time spent handling the request, as well as stats on the impact of a statement on the server itself).

The statistics can be a real help when you're troubleshooting performance, as it can help you identify long running queries, or queries that have a significant impact on your disk system.

On a busy database, you might end up seeing a lot of information zip by, so the key to figuring out what's happening behind the scenes is to ensure that you implement proper filtering on the events.

To do so, after you connect Profiler to your server, in the "Trace properties" screen, click the "Events Selection" tab:

Sample Image

You probably are good to uncheck the boxes in front of the "Audit" columns, as they are not relevant for your specific issue. However, the important bit on this screen is the "Column filters" button:

Sample Image

This is where you will be able to implement filters that only show you the data you want to see. You can, for instance, add a filter to the "ApplicationName", to ensure you only see events generated by an application with the name you specify. Simply click on the "+" sign next to "Like", and you will be able to fill in an application name in the textbox.

Sample Image

You can choose to add additional filters if you want (like "NTUsername" to filter by AD username, or "LoginName" for an SQL Server user.

Once you are satisfied with the results, click "OK", and you will hopefully start seeing some results. Then you can simply use the app to perform the task you want while the profiler trace runs, and stop it once you are done.

You can then scroll through the collected data to see what exactly it has been doing to your database. Results can also be stored as a table for easy querying.

Hope this helps.

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