How to Find Duplicate Entries and Delete the Oldest Ones in SQL

How can I find duplicate entries and delete the oldest ones in SQL?

Find duplicates and delete oldest one

alt text

Here is the Code

create table #Product (
ID int identity(1, 1) primary key,
Name varchar(800),
DateAdded datetime default getdate()

insert #Product(Name) select 'Chocolate'
insert #Product(Name,DateAdded) select 'Candy', GETDATE() + 1
insert #Product(Name,DateAdded) select 'Chocolate', GETDATE() + 5
select * from #Product

;with Ranked as (
select ID,
over (partition by Name order by DateAdded desc) as DupeCount
from #Product P
delete R
from Ranked R
where R.DupeCount > 1

select * from #Product

TSQL - Deleting a duplicate oldest value

I like to use an updatable CTE for this:

with cte as (
select row_number() over(partition by userid order by logintim desc) rn
from mytable
delete from cte where rn > 1

For each userid, this retains the row with the most recent logintim and deletes the others (if any).

Oracle SQL query: Delete the oldest duplicate records from the table

You could use this query:

from users
where (id, time) in
(select id, time
from (select id, time,
row_number() over (partition by id order by time desc) as rn,
from users) sub
where rn > 1)

It will delete all "duplicates" for a certain person, except the most recent one. The idea is that when you number the occurrences of a certain id, from recent to old, only the records numbered with 1 should be kept.

Pseudo-column ROWID

As guigui42 mentioned in comments below, the Oracle specific pseudo-column rowid may give a further performance improvement. This would be certainly the case if you do not have an index starting with the id, time fields:

from users
where rowid in
(select rowid
from (select rowid,
row_number() over (partition by id order by time desc) as rn,
from users) sub
where rn > 1)

Delete duplicate data in SQL preserving the oldest entry

Declare @YourTable table (col1 varchar(25),col2 varchar(25))
Insert Into @YourTable values

;with cteBase as (
Select *,RowNr=Row_Number() over (Partition By Col2 Order By Col1 Desc) from @YourTable
Select * From cteBase where RowNr>1
-- Delete From cteBase where RowNr>1
-- Remove Select if satisfied with results

Record(s) to be Deleted

col1    col2    RowNr
0010 1111 2

Remove oldest duplicates and keep latest duplicate by time stamp

Of course you can use timestamp column with ROW_NUMBER() & you don't need to use recursion hint as your CTE has not any recursion level.

;WITH Duplicates AS  (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ChannelName, SerialNumber, ReadingDate ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS Rownumber
FROM [Staging].[UriData]

FROM Duplicates d
WHERE Rownumber > 1;

Delete duplicate records with oldest GUID

If you want to delete duplicate records but without a timestamp and GUID as Primary Key you can try to use %%physloc%%.

%%physloc%% is a Virtual Column. This column is undocumented. Hence you can use it at you own risk.

WITH cte 
ORDER BY %%physloc%%) RN
FROM [InvoiceDatabase].[dbo].[LookUpCode])



But I would suggest you create a timestamp for the order.

Delete duplicate rows with older/newer date

You can use a where clause in the delete:

delete from t
where t.datetime > (select min(t2.datetime)
from t t2
where =

If you don't actually want to delete the rows, but just run a query and not see the red ones:

select id, min(datetime)
from t
group by id;

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