Access/SQL - Too Few Parameters

MS Access runtime error '3061' too few parameters expected 2

Try this:

sSQL = "SELECT Count(*) AS [CountOfScheduleB] " & _
"FROM [BFMA_TaskList] INNER JOIN [Reviews_Programme] ON [BFMA_TaskList].[Task] = [Reviews_Programme].[Task] " & _
"WHERE [BFMA_TaskList].[Schedule]=""B"" AND [Reviews_Programme].[Planned_Date] Between #" & Format(Me![txtstatsfrom],"mm\/dd\/yyy") & "# And #" & Format(Me![txtstatsto],"mm\/dd\/yyy") & "#;"

MS Access OpenRecordset and too few parameters issue

try the syntax: qry.Parameters("BeginDate").Value = Forms![Run]![textBeginOrderDate]

You can also add a line with debug.print Forms![Run]![textBeginOrderDate] to make sure it is the value you expect.

Another possibility is to modify the query and use for example

[Forms]![Run]![textBeginOrderDate] as a criteria

MS Access SQL Too Few Parameters: Expected 2

sqlQuery = "SELECT [My_Sheet].* " & _
" INTO My_New_Sheet" & _
" FROM [My_Sheet] " & _
" WHERE [Some_Field] = '" & [Some_Possible_Value_For_The_Field] & "'" & _
" ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*" & [Some_Other_Field] & ")*Time())"

Debug.Print sqlQuery
CurrentDb.Execute sqlQuery

When you use a form variable, the value has to be read from outside of the SQL statement. Hence why we close the statement with double quote, add the field value, and then continue by opening the with a double quotes again.

Notice that you need to keep the field qualifiers. In this case I assumed your first field was a string which requires the single quote qualifiers and the second variable as an integer which doesn't require qualifiers.

INSERT INTO Too few parameters

Your SQL string contains:

VALUES (-1,temp,temp,12,temp,temp)

Which isn't valid SQL - right now the database server will consider those occurrences of temp to be a variable or column name; the temp probably needs to be in single apostrophes (meaning "a string"), like this:

VALUES (-1,'temp','temp',12,'temp','temp')

Hence you probably want your VB to be:

tempStr = "'test'"

PS; being MS Access, there's a chance that standard SQL wont work, and that single apostrophes aren't used for strings. If it's double quotes " to denote a string in access, you'll be looking at VBlike:

tempStr = """test"""

The commenters make valid points; you shouldn't use string concatenation to build SQL queries.. It's worth having a read through right now to get some background info on why it's bad, and then you'll be better equipped to embark down a path of software development that avoids writing software susceptible to this particular (and common) form of hacking

odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1., SQL state 07001 in SQLExecDirect

First, your sql command must evaluate to something like this:

CHECKTIME BETWEEN #2021/09/28 00:00:00# AND #2021/09/29 23:59:59#

Thus, try:

$from_date = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($_REQUEST['from_date'])) . ' 00:00:00';
$to_date = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($_REQUEST['to_date'])) . ' 23:59:59';

$query = "INSERT INTO CalculateData (USERID, [Name], lastname, CardNo, DEPTID, DEPTNAME, SUPDEPTID, datein, timein, dateout, timeout) SELECT USERID, [Name], lastname, CardNo, DEPTID, DEPTNAME, SUPDEPTID, Format(CHECKTIME, '\#yyyy/mm/dd\#') AS datein, FORMAT(MIN(CHECKTIME), '\#h:m:s\#') AS timein, Format(CHECKTIME, '\#yyyy/mm/dd\#') AS dateout, FORMAT(MAX(CHECKTIME), '\#h:m:s\#') AS timeout
FROM TransactionLog WHERE CHECKTIME BETWEEN #$from_date# AND #$to_date#

You could also try this simpler approach:

SELECT USERID, [Name], lastname, CardNo, DEPTID, DEPTNAME, SUPDEPTID, DateValue(CHECKTIME) AS datein, TimeValue(MIN(CHECKTIME)) AS timein, DateValue(CHECKTIME) AS dateout, TimeValue(MAX(CHECKTIME)) AS timeout

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