When Is File.Join Useful

When is File.join useful?

There is another, subtle difference:

#=> "foo/bar"
#=> "foo/bar"

But, if you pass an argument already ending with / (which is quite often when working with paths), you won't have two slashes in the result:

#=> "foo/bar"
#=> "foo//bar"

Why should I use File.join()?

Any of the following :


Will return

=> "first/second"

Could it be a good reason for you ?

That's only one example I can think of.

Actually, your goal is not to concatenate 2 strings, your goal is creating a path. This looks like a strong reason to use File.join to me.

Confusion about Dir[] and File.join() in Ruby

File.join() simply concats all its arguments with separate slash.
For instance,

File.join("a", "b", "c")

returns "a/b/c". It is alsmost equivalent to more frequently used Array's join method, just like this:

["hello", "ruby", "world"].join(", ")
# => "hello, ruby, world"

Using File.join(), however, additionaly does two things: it clarifies that you are getting something related to file paths, and adds '/' as argument (instead of ", " in my Array example). Since Ruby is all about aliases that better describe your intentions, this method better suits the task.

Dir[] method accepts string or array of such strings as a simple search pattern, with "*" as all files or directories, and "**" as directories within other directories. For instance,

# => ["/var/lock", "/var/backups", "/var/lib", "/var/tmp", "/var/opt", "/var/local", "/var/run", "/var/spool", "/var/log", "/var/cache", "/var/mail"]


# => ["/var/lock", "/var/backups", "/var/backups/dpkg.status.3.gz", "/var/backups/passwd.bak" ... (all files in all dirs in '/var')]

It is a common and very convinient way to list or traverse directories recursively

What is the purpose of the load File.Join line in config.rb for Sencha Touch?

According to the Ruby docs:

Returns a new string formed by joining the strings using File::SEPARATOR.

Here is a link to the docs:


Basically, File.join joins the strings together, returning a new string used in a file path.

skip first parameter in File.join

Don't forget that Ruby can splat arguments, so this is actually pretty easy. You can either selectively add it:

args = %w[ ** *.jpg ]

if (options.path)


Or you can just put it in by default and strip it out if it's nil:

File.join(*[ options.path, '**', '*.jpg' ].compact)

It's important to note that the only things in Ruby that are logically false are nil and false so a test for nil? is only required if it's possible that value might be literal false. If that's not the case a regular if will suffice.

Joining several files based on first file

You can use join but you need to set a few options:

join -a1 -o1.1,2.2,2.3 -e "." <(sort test_1) <(sort test_2) > tmp_1
join -a1 -o1.1,1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5 -e "." <(sort tmp_1) <(sort test_3) > output

Explanation: Your example is in 3 files ('test_1' 'test_2' and 'test_3') so the first step is to combine test_1 and test_2 into a temporary file (tmp_1) using join. The -a1 option is telling join to look at the first column in both files for 'matches', the -o1.1,2.2,2.3 is telling join to print the first column of the first file (1.1), the second column of the second file (2.2) and the third column of the second file (2.3). The -e "." is telling join to fill in any blanks with a dot. The inputs need to be sorted, so <(sort file) is used to sort the contents before being joined. Next step is to join the temp file with the test_3 file. The options are the same, but different columns are printed.

MySQL statement combining a join and a count?

SELECT  fol.*
FROM files fil
WHERE fil.Folder = fol.Folder
) AS "Files"
FROM folders fol
WHERE fol.userId = 16

It's called a correlated subquery.


Using ADO to join and query text files

Yes. It is possible and it works. I was intrigued by your question so I tried it out myself. The text driver doesn't understand the bracketing on the fieldnames, only on the table name.

So use aliases for the field names like this:

Select tb1.[fieldname], tb2.[fieldname] From [file_name.txt] as tb1
Inner Join [file_name2.txt] as tb2
On tb1.[fieldname]=tb2.[fieldname]

What worked for me:

SELECT tb1.[Month], tb2.[Year] FROM [Text;DATABASE=E:\].[MoneyAndCreditStats 0409 to 0417.csv] as tb1
INNER JOIN [Text;DATABASE=E:\].[StackaOverFlowTest.csv] as tb2 ON
tb2.[Month] = tb1.[Month] AND
tb1.[Year] = tb2.[Year]

Text driver is a nifty tool especially when shuffling data formats/files around for Business Intelligence.

How to use a variable for a file path? Ruby

You can use variable inside string, following way:


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