Responding with Multiple JSON Renders. (Ruby/Rails)

Ruby on Rails - Render JSON for multiple models

One way you could do this is to create a hash with the objects you want to render, and then pass that to the render method. Like so:

respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => {:moulding => @moulding,
:material_costs => @material_costs }}

If the models aren't associated through active record, that's probably your best solution.

If an association does exist, you can pass an :include argument to the render call, like so:

respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => @moulding.to_json(:include => [:material_costs])}

Note that you wouldn't have to retrieve the @material_costs variable in the section above if you take this approach, Rails will automatically load it from the @moulding variable.

responding with multiple JSON renders. (Ruby/Rails)

you could actually do it like so:

format.json {
render :json => {
:websites => @allWebsites,
:pages => @allPages,
:element_types => @AllElementTypes,
:element_data => @AllElementData

in case you use jquery you will need to do something like:

data = $.parseJSON( xhr.responseText );
data.websites #=> @allWebsites data from your controller
data.pages #=> @allPages data from your controller

and so on


answering your question, you don't necessarily have to parse the response, it's just what I usually do. There's a number of functions that do it for you right away, for example:

$.getJSON('/info', function(data) {
var websites = data.websites,
pages = data.pages,


How to render two json objects as response on a rails controller

An easy way to do this is to build a hash with your objects

complex = Complex.find(params[:id])
search_params = {complex_id: complex._id}
fields = Field.where(search_params)

render json: { complex: complex, fields: fields, search_params: search_params }, status: :ok

Another way would be to user a view such as some_view.json.erb where you render the objects as you are expecting it in your angular view. Also you can use can use ActiveModelSerializers, read on

Ideally what you will want to do is encapsulate this response into its object and make a single call in your controller that returns you the results

Without going into too much details something like this

results = MyComplexFieldsObj.response(params[:id])
render son: results, status: :ok

Multiple response with render :json

You need to call render json: just one time.

One way to work around this is to build a single JSON that would contain both objects you want to return.

render json: {:errors => @user.errors.full_messages, 
:other_element => other_element }

Rails Render Multiple in controller Using Json API

What I understand is that you want to return a multipart JSON containing more than 1 type of resources, articles, news and users in your case. And if I understand it right, here's a piece of code which might help you.

Let's say you have a controller called manage_content.rb, write a function inside it.

def return_content
@articles = Article.where(:is_published => true).order('created_at DESC').page(params[:page]).per(6)
@news = Article.where(:news => true)
@users = User.all
# This is will create a single object with embedded arrays of your resource objects inside.
@content = {
articles: @articles,
news: @news,
users: @users

render json: { :data => @content, :status => 200 }

And in your config/routes.rb, add the corresponding route

get 'render_content' => "manage_content#return_content"

Test it by firing localhost:3000/render_content from your broswer. This should render you a JSON like,

articles: [
news: [
users: [
status: 200

Remember that articles, users and news are JSON arrays. Mind the arrays and objects while parsing the json response at your front-end.


Rails 4 render json with multiple objects and includes

Without adding any gems:

def index
boats = Boat.includes(:year)

render json: {
boats: boats.as_json(include: { year: { only: :name } }),
numTotalBoats: boats.count

At some point though, I believe you should use stand-alone serializers:

Note: Depending on whether you're using pagination gem or not, you might need to change .count calls below to .total_count (for Kaminari) or something else that will read the count correctly from paginated collection.

I recommend using ActiveModel Serializers and this is how it would be accomplished for your case.

Start by adding the gem to Gemfile:

gem 'active_model_serializers', '~-> 0.10'

Overwrite the adapter in config/initializers/active_model_serializer.rb:

ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json

Define serializers for your models,

# app/serializers/boat_serializer.rb
class BoatSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :name

has_one :year

# app/serializers/year_serializer.rb
class YearSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :name

And finally, in your controller:

boats = Boat.includes(:year)

render json: boats, meta: boats.count, meta_key: "numTotalBoats"

And you will achieve:

"boats": [
"name": "Boaty McBoatFace",
"year": {
"name": "2018"
"name": "Titanic",
"year": {
"name": "1911"
"numTotalBoats": 2

Adding that count in each index controller is a bit tedious, so I usually end up defining my own adapters or collection serializers in order to take care of that automatically (Tested with Rails 5, not 4).

# lib/active_model_serializers/adapter/json_extended.rb
module ActiveModelSerializers
module Adapter
class JsonExtended < Json
def meta
if serializer.object.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation)
{ total_count: serializer.object.count }
end.to_h.merge(instance_options.fetch(:meta, {})).presence

# config/initializers/active_model_serializer.rb
ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::JsonExtended

# make sure to add lib to eager load paths
# config/application.rb
config.eager_load_paths << Rails.root.join("lib")

And now your index action can look like this

def index
boats = Boat.includes(:year)

render json: boats

And output:

"boats": [
"name": "Boaty McBoatFace",
"year": {
"name": "2018"
"name": "Titanic",
"year": {
"name": "1911"
"meta": {
"total_count": 2

I think it's a little easier to parse this count for different endpoints and you will get it automatically while responding with a collection, so your controllers will be a little simpler.

Using multiple arguments for a json response controller action

This is how you would solve the problem with ActiveModelSerializers.

# Gemfile
# ...
gem 'active_model_serializers'

# app/controllers/games_controller.rb
# ...
def autocomplete
@games =[:query], fields: [{ title: :word_start }], limit: 10)
render json: @games

# app/serializers/game_serializer.rb
class GameSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :title, :box_art_url

In case you want to use a different serializer for the search results representation of games vs the normal representation you can specify the serializer:

# app/controllers/games_controller.rb
# ...
def autocomplete
@games =[:query], fields: [{ title: :word_start }], limit: 10)
render json: @games, each_serializer: GameSearchResultSerializer

Rails 4 - Simple include multiple JSON inside another JSON

I am not sure that I understand your question. If product_details doesn't work, try this:

def update_quantity
@product = Product.by_id(params[:product_id])

respond_to do |format|
format.json {
render :json => @product.to_json(
:include => [ :current_price ],
:methods => [ :product_details ]

In your Product model add:

def product_details

If you want only some fields of product_details:

respond_to do |format|
format.json {
render :json => @product.to_json(
:include => [
product_details: {
only: [

Rails: rendering json with multiple objects

hope to help you

def index
@beers = Beer.all
@micros = Micros.all

render json: {
beers:, each_serializer: BeerSerializer),
micros:, each_serializer: MicroSerializer),

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