Split String Without Removing Delimiter

regex how to split String without removing that seperator and adding it in seperate way

You need to use look ahead and look behind like following

    String string1="Ram-sita-laxman";

In this the output will be
[Ram, -, sita, -, laxman]

Notice that while the delimiter is there but not everything is in quotes cause it can't be unless you add them yourself in the array

Hope this helps.

Java: Split String with Regex without deleting delimiters

String s="Hi, <name> pls visit <url>";
String[] ss = s.split("(?<=> )|(?=<)");

the above codes output:

[Hi, , <name> , pls visit , <url>]

Splitting on regex without removing delimiters

You can use re.findall with regex .*?[.!\?]; the lazy quantifier *? makes sure each pattern matches up to the specific delimiter you want to match on:

import re

s = """You! Are you Tom? I am Danny."""
re.findall('.*?[.!\?]', s)
# ['You!', ' Are you Tom?', ' I am Danny.']

JS string.split() without removing the delimiters

Try this:

  1. Replace all of the "d" instances into ",d"
  2. Split by ","
var string = "abcdeabcde";
var newstringreplaced = string.replace(/d/gi, ",d");
var newstring = newstringreplaced.split(",");
return newstring;

Hope this helps.

split string without removal of delimiter in python

You could use re.split with forward lookahead:

import re

resulting in:

['This', '1 string is very big', '2 i need to split it', '3 into paragraph wise.', '4 But this string', '5 not a formated string.']

This splits on spaces -- but only those which are immediately followed by a digit then another space.

Python split() without removing the delimiter

d = ">"
for line in all_lines:
s = [e+d for e in line.split(d) if e]

Split a String without removing the delimiter in Swift

This method works on CollectionTypes, rather than Strings, but it should be easy enough to adapt:

extension CollectionType {
func splitAt(@noescape isSplit: Generator.Element throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [SubSequence] {
var p = startIndex
return try indices
.filter { i in try isSplit(self[i]) }
.map { i in
defer { p = i }
return self[p..<i]
} + [suffixFrom(p)]

extension CollectionType where Generator.Element : Equatable {
func splitAt(splitter: Generator.Element) -> [SubSequence] {
return splitAt { el in el == splitter }

You could use it like this:

let sentence = "Hello, my name is oisdk. This should split: but only at punctuation!"

let puncSet = Set("!.,:".characters)


// ["Hello", ", my name is oisdk", ". This should split", ": but only at punctuation", "!"]

Or, this version, which uses a for-loop, and splits after the delimiter:

extension CollectionType {
func splitAt(@noescape isSplit: Generator.Element throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [SubSequence] {
var p = startIndex
var result: [SubSequence] = []
for i in indices where try isSplit(self[i]) {
p = i.successor()
if p != endIndex { result.append(suffixFrom(p)) }
return result

extension CollectionType where Generator.Element : Equatable {
func splitAt(splitter: Generator.Element) -> [SubSequence] {
return splitAt { el in el == splitter }

let sentence = "Hello, my name is oisdk. This should split: but only at punctuation!"

let puncSet = Set("!.,:".characters)


// ["Hello,", " my name is oisdk.", " This should split:", " but only at punctuation!"]

Or, if you wanted to get the most Swift features into one function (defer, throws, a Protocol extension, an evil flatMap, guard, and Optionals):

extension CollectionType {
func splitAt(@noescape isSplit: Generator.Element throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [SubSequence] {
var p = startIndex
var result: [SubSequence] = try indices.flatMap { i in
guard try isSplit(self[i]) else { return nil }
defer { p = i.successor() }
return self[p...i]
if p != endIndex { result.append(suffixFrom(p)) }
return result

How to split a string without removing the delimiter?

You need to add \d+ inside your regular expression, like so:


This also allows you to capture all numericals rather than having to list all possible values...

Python String Split on pattern without removing delimiter

You can also use a look ahead regex:

import re
re.split(r'.(?=123 my)', my_str)
['123 my string is long',
'123 my string is very long',
'123 my string is so long']

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