What's the Difference Between Request.Remote_Ip and Request.Ip in Rails

What's the difference between request.remote_ip and request.ip in Rails?

From source:

module ActionDispatch
class Request < Rack::Request

# ...

def ip
@ip ||= super

def remote_ip
@remote_ip ||= (@env["action_dispatch.remote_ip"] || ip).to_s

# ...


where Rack::Request looks like this

module Rack
class Request
def ip
remote_addrs = split_ip_addresses(@env['REMOTE_ADDR'])
remote_addrs = reject_trusted_ip_addresses(remote_addrs)

return remote_addrs.first if remote_addrs.any?

forwarded_ips = split_ip_addresses(@env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])

if client_ip = @env['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']
# If forwarded_ips doesn't include the client_ip, it might be an
# ip spoofing attempt, so we ignore HTTP_CLIENT_IP
return client_ip if forwarded_ips.include?(client_ip)

return reject_trusted_ip_addresses(forwarded_ips).last || @env["REMOTE_ADDR"]

So remote_ip gives precedence to action_dispatch.remote_ip. That is being set by ActionDispatch::RemoteIp middleware. You can see in that middleware's source that it's checking for spoofing attacks when being called, since it's calling GetIp.new to set that env variable. That's needed since remote_ip reads the ip address even through the local proxies, as Clowerweb explains.

Rails ActionController: Difference between request.remote_ip and request.remote_addr

I'm the author of the current implementation of remote_ip, and the other things that it does include checking for IP spoofing attacks, and correctly handling multiple X-Forwarded-For headers. There's a big caveat, though: only some Ruby web servers support multiple headers, so the value still might be wrong.

I wrote up the results from testing the most popular Ruby app servers on my blog, which you might want to check out if repeated headers matter for your application.

Rails - difference between request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] and request.remote_ip

Generally, you should use request.remote_ip. It is a method introduced by Rails which tries to gather the actual remote IP of the connection using various means, including evaluating request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] where appropriate.

In the end, the IP returned by request.remote_ip is calculated in the ActionDispatch::RemoteIp middleware. This is a good bit more generic than trying to gather the IP yourself as it takes proxy stages into account which can set various HTTP headers.

How do I get a client's ip address in Rails?

This looks like code that should be in a model, so I'm assuming that's where this method is. If so, you can't (at least 'out of the box') access the request object from your model as it originates from an HTTP request -- this is also why you get "undefined local variable or method "request" from main" in your console.

If this method is not already in your model I would place it there, then call it from you controller and pass in request.remote_ip as an argument.

def get_location_users(the_ip)
if current_user
return current_user.location_users
l = Location.find_by_ip(the_ip)
lu = LocationUser.new({:location_id => l.id, :radius => Setting.get("default_radius").to_i})
return [lu]

Then, in your controller ::


Also, be aware that "Location.find_by_ip" will return nil if no records are matched.

And, you can issue a request in your console by using app.get "some-url", then you can access the request_ip from request object app.request.remote_ip and use it for testing if needed.

Need help get access to get remote_ip from a model

You can do the following for getting the remote ip of the client, this is using a controller.

class TestsController < ApplicationController
def get_ip
ip = request.remote_ip

Assuming you have a model. I'm assuming it as Test

class Test < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.use_ip(ip)
puts ip


As per your requirement, which is going against convention of Rails (which is not a very good practice)

define the following in application_controller.rb

before_filter :pass_request_around

def pass_request_around
Thread.current[:request] = request

In model, request object should be available now

def get_ip
request = Thread.current[:request]
ip = request.remote_ip

Difference Between Remote IP Addresses And Physical Addresses

They are the address used at two different level.

IP is a software virtual name assigned to a machine.

Physical address (if you mean MAC with this) is a unique code that belong to a comunication interface.

Physical address is used at a lower level to physically route the message.

Reference to OSI model: OSI

Change value of request.remote_ip in Ruby on Rails

If you want this functionality in your whole application, it might be better/easier to override the remote_ip method in your app/helpers/application_helper.rb:

class ActionDispatch::Request #rails 2: ActionController::Request
def remote_ip

And the address is available everywhere

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