In Rails 4.1, How to Find Records by Enum Symbol

In Rails 4.1, how to find records by enum symbol?

ActiveRecord::Enum provides scopes based on its values.

Just try:



Of course, you can create your own scopes as Kyle Decot mentioned.

My Enums is not working on where clauses

I just realized that the feature I was trying to use is not available because I have been reading the Edge version of the documentation, which is probably still not released. Dumb error.

Find objects with a certain Enum attribute value

You can do it like

User.where(role: User.roles['admin'])



works for your case

Rails 4.1 Enums: enum.status = nil

I had the same problem. It was caused because the enum field was defined as a string in my schema instead of an integer. In your case, status is probably defined as a string in your schema.

class CreateReport < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :reports do |t|
t.integer :status # if this is t.string you get the symptoms described above!

Activerecord Group by ENUM

Just map numbers to related string values: { |k, v| [Campaign.statuses.key(k), v] }.to_h

Saving enum from select in Rails 4.1

Alright, so apparently, you shouldn't send the integer value of the enum to be saved. You should send the text value of the enum.

I changed the input to be the following:

f.input :color, :as => :select, :collection => Wine.colors.keys.to_a

Which generated the following HTML:

<select id="wine_color" name="wine[color]">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="red">red</option>
<option value="white">white</option>
<option value="sparkling">sparkling</option>

Values went from "0" to "red" and now we're all set.

If you're using a regular ol' rails text_field it's: :color, Wine.colors.keys.to_a

If you want to have clean human-readable attributes you can also do: :color, { |w| [w.humanize, w] }

Enum in a where query

This should work:

Rails: How to use i18n with Rails 4 enums

I didn't find any specific pattern either, so I simply added:

active: Active
pending: Pending...
archived: Archived

to an arbitrary .yml file. Then in my views:

I18n.t :"user_status.#{user.status}"

How do I test if an ActiveRecord attribute is an Enum?

ActiveRecord::Enum adds a defined_enums class attribute to the model - a hash storing the defined enums:

#=> {"status"=>{"in_progress"=>0, "accepted"=>1, "approved"=>2, "declined"=>3, "closed"=>4, "cancelled"=>5, "submitted"=>6}}

To test if an attribute is an enum you could use:

#=> true

Unfortunately, defined_enums is not documented.

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