How to Select Option in Drop Down Using Capybara

How to select option in drop down using Capybara

If you take a look at the source of the select method, you can see that what it does when you pass a from key is essentially:

find(:select, from, options).find(:option, value, options).select_option

In other words, it finds the <select> you're interested in, then finds the <option> within that, then calls select_option on the <option> node.

You've already pretty much done the first two things, I'd just rearrange them. Then you can tack the select_option method on the end:

find('#organizationSelect').find(:xpath, 'option[2]').select_option

Capybara, selecting 1st option from dropdown?

You can find the first option element and then use the select_option method to select it.

For example, if the select list has an id "select_id", you can do:

first('#select_id option').select_option

As @TomWalpole mentions, this will not wait for the element to appear. It would be safer to do one of the following:

first('#select_id option', minimum: 1).select_option


find('#select_id option:first-of-type').select_option

Make capybara click a dropdown option

To select an option from dropdown, you need to use select method and not click_on:

For example:

select 'CT', from: "building_state"

How to use capybara to select a select2 drop-down field

Capybara's field actions (fill_in, set, etc) only work with basic html form fields, not with JS driven widgets since they usually hide the basic fields. The key to working with any JS driven widget in Capybara is to perform the actions a user would have to perform, which in this case is click on the visible element to trigger the dropdown then click on the element you want to select.

As an example, to select "California" from the first select2 dropdown on the example page it could be done like

first('.select2-container', minimum: 1).click
find('li.select2-results__option[role="treeitem"]', text: 'California').click

If you want to do it by typing in the search term instead of clicking on the result it would be something like

first('.select2-container', minimum: 1).click
find('.select2-dropdown input.select2-search__field').send_keys("California", :enter)

Using execute_script and trigger are bad ideas if you're testing a web app since it bypasses most of the checks on what a user could actually do, they're fine if you're just automating a page

Get select value of dropdown for capybara testing


Capybara cannot find dropdown list

store_listing = browser.find_link(title: 'Store listing')

application_type = browser.find(:element, 'div', role: 'button', text: 'Select an application type')
browser.find(:element, 'div', role: 'option', text: 'Applications').click

category_type = browser.find(:element, 'div', role: 'button', text: 'Select a category')
browser.find(:element, 'div', role: 'option', text: 'Shopping').click

browser.fill_in(type: "email", with: "")
browser.click_on('Save draft', wait: 100)
sleep 2

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