Using Live Reload with Jekyll

Using Live Reload with Jekyll

UPDATE: As pointed out in other answers, LiveReload is built into Jekyll 3.7+.

jekyll serve --livereload

For older versions:

The simplest approach I've found that works is to use two terminal windows: One for jekyll serve --watch and one for guard.

I tried the guard-jekyll-plus approach suggested by Nobu but I had a bunch of errors.

As shumushin pointed out, Jekyll can handle the automatic rebuilding process, you simply launch it using jekyll serve --watch

Now to get LiveReload working run guard with guard-livereload in a second terminal window. This is basically the same as Jan Segre's answer, but without guard-jekyll.

My Guardfile looks like this:

guard 'livereload' do

And my Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll'
gem 'guard'
gem 'guard-livereload'

Note: You still need to include the livereload script in your index.html page; it is the "glue" that binds guard-livereload and the browser together.

<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>

Possible to run jekyll serve --livereload on two different directories with two different ports at the same time?

You need to set 2 different ports. One for Jekyll and second for LiveReload.

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --livereload-port 8080 --port 4001

You will see the options that interest you by calling the command jekyll help serve:

-P, --port [PORT]  Port to listen on
--livereload-port [PORT] Port for LiveReload to listen on

How can I trigger a script when local jekyll file changes?

In short words, run Jekyll with the --livereload parameter.
The command will look like this:

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

For more information, call help command:

jekyll help serve

Here are the parameters that may be useful:

-l, --livereload   Use LiveReload to automatically refresh browsers
--livereload-ignore ignore GLOB1[,GLOB2[,...]] Files for LiveReload to ignore. Remember to quote the values so your shell won't expand them
--livereload-min-delay [SECONDS] Minimum reload delay
--livereload-max-delay [SECONDS] Maximum reload delay
--livereload-port [PORT] Port for LiveReload to listen on

You can of course combine options.

For example:
To run second project with Jekyll at the same time you need to set other port and another port for LiveReload.

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --livereload-port 8080 --port 4001

And now in your browser you can see the second project at http://localhost:4001/ or

Jekyll livereload browser not connecting

I know this is old, but I was facing the same issue, so I thought I'd share the solution that worked for me.

You just need to add front matter to the top of your html file, that's two triple-dashed lines, so your html file should look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Grunt, Live Reload with Jekyll Serve

Here is how I got this to work:

The problem is that both jekyll serve and grunt watch need to run in parallel. What I did was to create two grunt tasks and run them in two separate terminal windows.
I have the following setup:

  • a _src directory where I edit the raw source files
  • an asset directory where I have images and such
  • a build directory that gets populated by grunt and inside which jekyll is run

First, I run the grunt dev task. This taskfirst deletes the build directory, then copies the necessary source files and finally cds into my build directory and calls jekyll:

cd build && jekyll serve --livereload

This task is configured as follows:


Then, in a separate terminal, I run grunt watch. Watch is configured as follows:

watch {
src: {
files: ['{_src,assets}/**/*.{js,css,html,php}'],
tasks: ['assembledev']

Now, whenever I change a source file, the updated file gets copied to the build directory and then recognized by jekyll as a changed file.

The two terminal windows feel like a bit of a hack but that way, I can see the output of both grunt watch and jekyll serve. Also, I can easily quit either process with Ctrl+c.

In principle, you could get away with one terminal window by adding an & to the end of the jekyll serve command in order to run jekyll in the background (cd build && jekyll serve --livereload &) and run watch within the same grunt task like this:


Jekyll auto reloading

As of version 3.7 run jekyll serve --livereload.

hot reload in jekyll not working

Jekyll auto-generation future(Using jekyll server) automatically change/modify the files on _site folder only, it does not refresh browser windows automatically, you have to use grunt for that. There are already many of NPM packages and Repo for that.

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