Unexpected Return (Localjumperror)

Unexpected Return (LocalJumpError)

You can't return inside a block in Ruby*. The last statement becomes the return value, so you can just remove the return statements in your case:

p (1..8).collect{|denom|
r = Rational(num, denom)
if r > Rational(1, 3) and r < Rational(1, 2)

*: You can inside lambda blocks: lambda { return "foo" }.call # => "foo". It has to do with scoping and all that, and this is one of the main differences between lambda blocks and proc blocks. "Normal" blocks you pass to methods are more like proc blocks.

Ruby - unexpected return (LocalJumpError)

You're not in a method. You cannot return from there. If you want to exit early, use exit.

Unexpected return error in Ruby

You can't use return within an each loop. You could use map or collect to return an array of last names like so:

people[:family].collect {|index| index[:last] if index[:first] == "John"}
=> ["Doe", nil]

You could also push your matches to an output variables like so:

output = []
people[:family].each {|index| output << index[:last] if index[:first] == "John"}
=> ["Doe"]

Using break as was suggested, will return a string of the first match, but if you have more than one match, it will not work for you. See example below:

people = {
:family => [
{:first => "John", :last => "Doe"},
{:first => "Jane", :last => "Smith"},
{:first => "John", :last => "Galt"}
people[:family].each {|index| break index[:last] if index[:first] == "John"}
=> "Doe"

LocalJumpError: unexpected return on all db queries after ugrading to rails 4

The errors I got were not helpful but I found the problem.

Rails4 now requires that scopes are defined using procs or lambdas. see this documentation

Rails 4.0 requires that scopes use a callable object such as a Proc or

scope :active, where(active: true)


scope :active, -> { where active: true }

By changing all of my model scopes to use lambdas, the issue was solved and I can query the db again.

It seems that even one outdated scope ruins all db calls.

Process throwing Unexpected return error

The problem is that return can't be called from Ruby procs. Just skip return to avoid the error:

 def proc_test(command)
proc = Proc.new do |command|
command_out = Mixlib::ShellOut.new(command)
command_out.stdout + command_out.stderr


implicit block passed gives local jump error

There are many differences between Lambda and Proc, as you can see in this post for example.

One of them is how the return behaves in each case.

When you return in a Proc, it will return from the method it is being called.

And when you return in a Lambda it returns only to outside the lambda code.

The reason for the LocalJumpError is simply because you are you're calling return probably from your ruby console and there is no enclosing method to return. So if you surround your code with a method and call it, it will work.

def test
def my_function(&block)
p block.call

p my_function{ return "implicit block" }


=> "implicit block"

How do I do early return in ruby to reduce nested if?

Use next instead of return to exit the inner block early:

class A 
def run

a = A.new
a.run do
puts "ola"
puts "hello"

In order to use return, it should be place directly inside the method body.

But when you pass a block to a function, with EventMachine.run do and with Fiber.new{, the code inside the block is not directly inside the function, but is passed as a parameter to a different function. Inside the block you cannot call return, but you can exit early with next.

I am guessing that the reason the designers decided this is because a return inside the block would cause confusion whether the block would return, or the entire method.

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