How to Get Sinatra to Refrain from Adding the X-Frame-Options Header

How do I get Sinatra to refrain from adding the X-Frame-Options header?

Sinatra uses Rack::Protection, in particular the frame_options option, which is what is setting the X-Frame-Options header.

You can configure which protections are used. Sinatra turns most of them on by default, (some are only enabled if you also are using sessions, and Rack::Protection itself doesn't enable some by default).

To prevent sending the X-Frame-Options header you need to disable frame_options like this:

set :protection, :except => :frame_options

ASP.Net Core: X-Frame-Options strange behavior

I would say on the first request Antiforgery saves the cookie which means it also tries to set the X-Frame-Options header.

If you want to disable that header in Antiforgery and manually handle it yourself, what you want is setting SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader to be true ;)

services.AddAntiforgery(o => o.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = true);

How to override X-Frame-Options for a controller or action in Rails 4

If you want to remove the header completely, you can create an after_action filter:

class FilesController < ApplicationController
after_action :allow_iframe, only: :embed

def embed


def allow_iframe
response.headers.except! 'X-Frame-Options'

Or, of course, you can code the after_action to set the value to something different:

class FacebookController < ApplicationController
after_action :allow_facebook_iframe


def allow_facebook_iframe
response.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'ALLOW-FROM'

Note that you need to clear your cache in certain browsers (Chrome for me) while debugging this.

Sinatra not sending headers

It was not CORS that was the problem. But my crappy jquery implementation. So make sure you don't copy it!

Disabling CORS in Dashing

Since dashing uses Sinatra you can find the answer in Sinatra's Docs. I was able to accomplish this by adding the following to the file located in your dashing directory:

configure do
set :protection, :except => :frame_options

Additional reference: How do I get Sinatra to refrain from adding the X-Frame-Options header?

How to access *incoming* headers in Sinatra?

Have you tried adding HTTP to the header name? So it would be request.env["HTTP_ MyHeader"] This is part of the rack spec.

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