Gem Install Error (Sass Compass)

Gem install error (sass compass)

Open up a command prompt and type:

chcp 1252

Then run the installer again:

gem install sass

Unfortunately there's a known issue in some versions of Ruby regarding this. See here

Install sass and compass

gem update --system
gem update
gem list

Check package version
Compass - 1.0.1
sass - 3.4.9

Can't get sass + compass + susy installed due to version conflict

The dependencies are incompatible: susy 2.0.0 depends on sass ~> 3.3.0 whereas compass 0.12.3 depends on sass = 3.2.14.

The error message says the same:

Unable to activate susy-2.0.0, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)

You can a) downgrade susy to a version that's working with sass 3.2.14 or b) upgrade compass to a version compatible with sass 3.3.x.

A compatible version is compass 1.0.0 (or later) depending on sass < 3.5, >= 3.3.13. You can install it via

gem update compass

It might be easier to use a gem manager like Bundler. It automatically resolves dependencies and installs the appropriate versions.

gem install compass error after Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 update

Don't do sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin compass

The whole point of using rbenv is to let it handle all of your dependencies and not have to deal at all with your OS system ruby or it's gems. You need to get your $PATH configuration right and then you won't need to ever use sudo in fact you should NOT with gem install or any gem commands after getting your environment setup correctly.

Did you happen to try npm install -g grunt-cli ?

UPDATE: as expect your $PATH is not correct.

Close all terminals. Start a new one. Then run this.

curl -fsSL | bash

This should help you figure out what's wrong in your $PATH setting.
Refer to

But first specifically try:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Then restart your terminal and check gem env again and see if your path includes .rbenv

If these steps don't get you working then I suggest to fully uninstall rbenv and start over from step 1 of

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