What's the Difference Between Gets.Chomp() VS. Stdin.Gets.Chomp()

What's the difference between gets.chomp() vs. STDIN.gets.chomp()?

gets will use Kernel#gets, which first tries to read the contents of files passed in through ARGV. If there are no files in ARGV, it will use standard input instead (at which point it's the same as STDIN.gets.

Note: As echristopherson pointed out, Kernel#gets will actually fall back to $stdin, not STDIN. However, unless you assign $stdin to a different input stream, it will be identical to STDIN by default.


Difference between $stdin and others gets.chomp

When invoking gets without specifying the stream, we are invoking Kernel#gets and when stream is specified we are invoking IO#gets

I believe Kernel#gets wraps around IO#gets under the hood but before it needs to create an IO object, that IO object will be a concatenation of all command line arguments(ARGV) ( it will try to open every single one as file in positional order) and them read from it. If there are no elements left on ARGV it will then read from stdin.

That behavior can be tested with this simple snippet:

while gets
puts $_

When running ruby myscript.rb without parameters it will read stdin, if parameters are specified it will try to open as files and read from it, it will works similarly to cat command .

That stream could be tty, socket, file etc:

stream = File.open('/etc/passwd','r')

puts stream.gets


A simple http client using sockets:

require 'socket'

s = TCPSocket.new 'icanhazip.com',80

s.puts <<~EOF
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: icanhazip.com


while line = s.gets
puts line


More about Kernel#gets here

More about IO#gets

Ruby: What's the difference between STDIN.gets() and gets.chomp()?

Easiest way to do what you describe here is Integer(gets), since Integer() ignores the trailing newline, so chomp is unnecessary. There's also no need explicitly specify STDIN as the receiver, as that's what Kernel#gets will do if there are no arguments to the script.

How to use gets and gets.chomp in Ruby

gets lets the user input a line and returns it as a value to your program. This value includes the trailing line break. If you then call chomp on that value, this line break is cut off. So no, what you have there is incorrect, it should rather be:

  1. gets gets a line of text, including a line break at the end.
    • This is the user input
  2. gets returns that line of text as a string value.
  3. Calling chomp on that value removes the line break

The fact that you see the line of text on the screen is only because you entered it there in the first place. gets does not magically suppress output of things you entered.

Difference between ways to use gets method

"Flushing" the output ensures that it shows the printed message before it waits for your input; this may be just someone being certain unnecessarily, or it may be that on certain operating systems you need it. Alternatively you can use STDOUT.sync = true to force a flush after every output. (You may wonder, "Why wouldn't I always use this?" Well, if your code is outputting a lot of content, repeatedly flushing it may slow it down.)

chomp removes the newline from the end of the input. If you want the newline (the result of the user pressing "Enter" after typing their name) then don't chomp it.

Cannot get the correct input using STDIN.gets.chomp() in ruby

The problem is that STDIN.gets returns a string. All the comparison operations will therefore operate on strings. Example:

people = "100000000"
cats = "11"

puts people < cats # => true!

This is because < will compare the strings lexicographically (and 1000... comes before 11 in the alphabet). There is actually one point in your example that makes it pretty obvious what's going on here:

dogs = STDIN.gets
dogs += "5"

If you input 7 here, it should print out 75. You see, it just concatenates the strings.

How to fix this? Easy, just convert the strings to integers:

puts "How many people are here?"
people = STDIN.gets.to_i
puts "How many cats?"
cats = STDIN.gets.to_i
puts "And how many dogs?"
dogs = STDIN.gets.to_i

Gets.chomp input comparison returning an error

The input is a string. Try something like this

puts "Age: "
user_input = gets.chomp
age = Integer(user_input)
# your code
rescue ArgumentError
puts "Age must be an integer"

How do I combine gets.chomp and ARGV in Ruby?

I answered a question about this yesterday, which you can read here, but to address your situation specifically:

After first, second, third = ARGV, call ARGV.clear to empty it out.

Alternatively you could do first, second, third = 3.times.map { ARGV.shift }

The reason is that gets reads from ARGV if there's anything in it. You need to empty ARGV out before calling gets.

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