How to Remove Permission Denied @ Rb_Sysopen - Gem Install Error

Troubleshooting Permission denied @ rb_sysopen when attempting to install an earlier version of Rails

It seems like your ruby installation through rbenv was made via sudo, which will create gem structure with root privileges.

So, when you perform a gem install rails from a regular user, you won't have the privileges to write into gems directory, raising the permission denied error.

You can confirm the permission by running:

ls -la /Users/ayylmao/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/

Try to reinstall your ruby with you own user (without sudo) and the installation of rails or other gems will sould be fine.

when installing gems Error: Permission denied rb_sysopen Arch Linux

You are having a permissions issue attempting to open


Running this will most likely install correctly, but you may want to fix whatever the permission issue is instead:

sudo gem install rails

Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen on http-parser 1.2.3

What should the permissions be?

Looking at my own rbenv installation,

  • I own all files under ~/.rbenv, and
  • directories under ~/.rbenv are drwxr-xr-x (755) and
  • files are either -rw-rw-r-- (664) or
  • -rwxrwxr-x (775), if they are meant to be executable.


Just reinstall everything :)

rbenv uninstall 3.0.1
rbenv install 3.0.1
bundle install

Ruby gem command fails with Permission denied @ rb_sysopen

You get this error when you run without sudo because you're using what some people refer to as "system" ruby on your computer; it's the default ruby that ships with macOS. If you run which ruby it will most likely point to /usr/bin/ruby (if you haven't installed rvm, rbenv, or another ruby version manager.

By default, system ruby (which includes the system gem and bundler commmands) points to a file location which requires sudo to install to.

I recommend you don't run sudo to install gems; instead install a ruby version manager such as rvm (the most popular), rbenv (also a popular choice), or asdf (my preferred version manager because it manages more than just ruby, if you want to)

Once you install a ruby version manager per the instructions you should be able to install a more recent version of ruby (system ruby is 2.3.7, the most recent is 2.6.0). The version manager will also setup sane paths for your gem and bundle commands, pointing to paths where you have write privileges without using sudo

A ruby version manager is highly recommended because it won't interfere with any system dependencies which might rely on the system ruby version, and a version manager allows you to install multiple versions of ruby and switch between them for different projects.

Rails console access gets Permission denied @ rb_sysopen Error

It Looks like permission issue. I found 2 solutions. I hope one of them will solve your issue.

  1. Looking at the error it seems like it is unable to access. We can try to give access by below command

    sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/yannherveeaniman/.irb_history (giving all access to file)


    sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/yannherveeaniman (giving all access to your folder)

  2. create/edit ~/.irbrc

     require 'irb/ext/save-history'
    IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 10000
    IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-history"

    credits -

Thank You for reaching out to this beautiful platform. Hopefully your issues will be resolved.


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