Twitter API - Ruby Twitter Gem

Using Ruby Gem for Twitter to get search results of a Hashtag

Use twitter gem

gem install twitter

or include it in your Gemfile

Create Twitter App, get auth codes

Init API

require 'twitter'

client = do |config|
config.consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
config.consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"
config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

Make a request "Tweets for user"

// get from user
tweets = client.user_timeline('rubyinside', count: 20)
tweets.each { |tweet| puts tweet.full_text }

Make a request "Search by hashtag"'#searchHash').take(3).each do |tweet|
puts tweet.inspect

Checkout this to buildup your query:

Ruby Twitter, Retrieving Full Tweet Text

Here's a workaround I found helpful:

Below is the way I am handling this issue ATM. Seems to be working. I am using both Streaming (with Tweetstream) and REST APIs.

status = @client.status(1234567890, tweet_mode: "extended")

if status.truncated? && status.attrs[:extended_tweet]
# Streaming API, and REST API default
t = status.attrs[:extended_tweet][:full_text]
# REST API with extended mode, or untruncated text in Streaming API
t = status.attrs[:text] || status.attrs[:full_text]


Send direct messages with twitter gem

get the id of the twitter you want to send a message with. You can use this link to get an Id.

Then you can execute the command:

client.create_direct_message('<replace with the twitter Id you obtained>',"hello this is a test!",options={})

the tweet.user in your example means, there is a tweets-table(a model class) and the twitter Id is saved in the user-column.

Making parallel calls with twitter gem

Wrap your API calls in Ruby threads to run them concurrently:

tweets, threads = [], []

threads = do |user_id| { tweets << Client.user_timeline(user_id) }


# All the tweets are in the `tweets` array
puts tweets

Stream Live tweets from a specific user (Ruby)

If you want live updates of when a specific account posts then take a look at webhooks. Webhooks allow you to build or set up Twitter App which subscribes to certain events on The advantage of using webhooks is that Twitter would send you a payload as a POST request to your app and then your job would to handle this response in your app accordingly. This assumes that you have an app server running locally, like rails server. The advantage is also that it happens asynchronoysly and you do not need to manually hit Twitter API every now and then to know if there were any updates

Tweet photo with twitter gem

Assuming you're talking about the Twitter gem by sferik, I think this method here might be helpful.
Basically you want to use the update_with_media method. More information from Twitter is on their site Hope that helps!

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