Running a Spec in Rubymine Results in "Cannot Load Such File -- Teamcity/Spec/Runner/Formatter/Teamcity/Formatter (Loaderror)"

RSpec: cannot load such file -- teamcity/spec/runner/formatter/teamcity/formatter (LoadError)

Solved: I just had to restart Rubymine after rails g rspec:install

rubymine debug rspec Uncaught exception: cannot load such file -- teamcity/spec/runner/formatter/teamcity/formatter

i reinstalled rubymine and now the builtin rspec debugger works fine.

Error loading 'teamcity' file when running `Cucumber ./features`

It seems to me as if your path is broken. You have a relative path and I don't think TeamCity uses the same project root as you assume it does.

My approach would be to start with an absolute path. Get the system to run and then see if it is possible to use relative paths.

Error when trying to run rspec Failure/Error: require 'test' LoadError: cannot load such file -- test

Your file paths are off, you either need to have zombie_spec.rb in the spec/ folder instead of spec/lib/ or you need to move test.rb into the lib/ folder instead of being in the / project root folder.

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