Ruby Scope of Data After _End_

Ruby scope of DATA after __END__

DATA is the same. You would get the same output if instead of doing you would do a second time.

This is because after the first read DATA (which is an IO) has reached the end of the stream, so any further reads will return an empty string, unless you append additional data to DATA or rewind DATA to the beginning of the stream.

Edit: To seek back to the point right after the __END__ you have to read DATA.pos before performing any reading on DATA and then restore pos to that value after reading. The easiest solution is probably just doing FOO = at the beginning of the script and then using FOO.

Scope with days period works from the last deploy date

This is from the Rails 3.1.0 documentation:

Note that scopes defined with scope will be evaluated when they are defined, rather than when they are used. For example, the following would be incorrect:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :recent, where('published_at >= ?', - 1.week)

The example above would be ‘frozen’ to the value when the Post class was defined, and so the resultant SQL query would always be the same. The correct way to do this would be via a lambda, which will re-evaluate the scope each time it is called:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :recent, lambda { where('published_at >= ?', - 1.week) }

So, you can try updating your scope to use a lambda as the second argument instead of just the where:

scope :current_availables, -> { where(date: Date.current.beginning_of_day..Date.current+14.days) }

(Not sure if you can use -> if not do lambda)

You can also use 14.days.from_now instead of adding the 14 days to Date.current.

Scope to query last year's data

There are a few optimizations I'd make here.

Since you already have ActiveSupport loaded and you're using it, make use of the ago method, and write something that's a little more flexible. You can also use a range and ActiveRecord can handle writing the appropriate query for your DB, no string substitution needed.

scope :from_year, ->(date) { where(transfer_date: }

# usage

This is a lot less rigid. You can now easily query for records that are from 5 years ago without writing any new code. If you find yourself using last year in a lot of places, make it a convenience method:

def self.last_year
from_year 1.year.ago

When a variable goes out of scope does that mean it doesn't exist?

If you are using managed language then you don't allocate and unallocate memory so as far as you are concerned it no longer exists.

Technically it does but GCs tend not to be deterministic so technically it's hard to say when it actually vanishes.

Ruby method with block variable scope?

Yes it's possible, but you need to pass your variables into your block:

channel.on_data do |ch,data|
yield(ch, data) if block_given?

And your block needs to accept data:

block = do |ch, data|
puts "Yo I'm in the block"
puts data.inspect
if data.inspect.include? "Proceed?"
puts "here"

The scope of a proc is where it was declared, not where it is invoked.

For example...

def my_method1
local = "inside"
block = { puts local }

my_method1 # writes "inside"

def my_method2(&block)
local = "inside"

local = "outside"
block = { puts local }
my_method2(&block) # writes "outside"

Howto: Model scope for todays records

Since "created_at" column contains date and time, but you need compare only date, you have two ways (I assume you use MySQL) :

  1. use BETWEEN:

    scope :today, lambda { WHERE("created_at BETWEEN '#{}' AND '#{}'") }
  2. use DATE() function:

    scope :today, lambda { WHERE('DATE(created_at) = ?',}

also, you can add "created_on" column to the table with date only.


def self.up
add_column table_name, :created_on, :date
add_column table_name, :updated_on, :date

scope :today, lambda { where(created_on: }

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