Ruby on Rails Rake Assets:Precompile Error

rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production Error

In local computer you are trying to run

rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

but this requires your local compute to have config/database.yml with the config mentioned by @thieu-nguyen

so add the following in



under production in config/database.yml

then add the environment for you local computer as



and for heroku as




username: anzels

password: 1234

to production in config/database.yml **JUST BEFORE assests precompilation **
then run command

git checkout config/database.yml

the idea is to not to commit the username and password but temporarily edit it for assests precompilation purpose only

Another Ruby on Rails Rake assets:precompile error

Thanks to @Les Nightingill, I found the issue.

It was not directly linked to assets generation, but the probleme was indicated at the first error line in the logs :

global-2.0.0/lib/global/base.rb:16:in `configuration'

After a bundle update, the Global gem was updated to the 2.0, and the configuration syntax has changed.

Correcting this make all works well.

Rails: Production assets:precompile error

This is the answer I found, wishing it to be useful for others, too.

To solve the DEPRECATION WARNING, update your gems as expressed by:

Asset pipeline DEPRECATION WARNING tsort.rb:226

And about the main error, you should find which file causes the error exactly. The error output and mentioned files in it are misleading and not necessarily contain syntax error.

You can work with your assets.rb file to find which file (files) contains syntax error. Comment or remove all of the referred files in assets.rb except one, redo asset precompile command in your production mode:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

and repeat it for all other css files to understand which one contains the error. This time the output of this command will be helpful and refer exactly to the problem. Then, it would be easy to find the error and fix it.

Ruby on Rails Rake assets:precompile error - Command failed with status (1) - CScript Error: Execution of the Windows Script Host failed

I was able to solve this issue by transferring the project into a Linux environment (Ubuntu) and running the bundle exec rake assets:precompile. It appeared to work, I believe this sort of issue is something to do with windows. If starting any kind of development to do with RoR stick to Linux.

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