Typing 'Rails Console' Doesn't Start

typing 'rails console' doesn't start?

Are you in the root path of your app when you type $ rails console?

Tip: $ rails c is a shortcut for $ rails console

rails console doesn't start

I may be answering a bit late for this, but for the sake of the others who are looking for the answer... it's here

Basically, enter this command

spring stop

The issue , as far as I understand, is with the spring gem, specifically, it checks the server for versions, which doesn't tally up.

For my case, the problem started when when I add some new gems into the gemfile.

So once you stop spring and type in any other rails command, spring restart, and every thing should work again, at least until the same problem occurs, or the dev patched the issue.

Rails console doesn't start?

Have you created a Rails app? Looks like you're running rails console in a directory that has no Rails app created yet.

You should create a new app using rails new [app_name], then run rails console. Or, make sure that you're in the root directory of your existing Rails app.

Rails Console Not Loading

It could be that there are multiple versions of readline installed.

Try the following:

brew link readline --force

Rails: system process won't start in rails server, but will in rails console

You're creating an orphaned process in the way that you use system() to start the ngrok process in the background:

system("ngrok start --all -log=stdout > #{ENV['APP_ROOT']}/log/ngrok.log &")

Note the & at the end of the commandline.

I'd need more details about your runtime environment to tell precisely which system policy kills the orphaned ngrok process right after starting it (which OS? if Linux, is it based on systemd? how do you start rails server, from a terminal or as a system service?).

But what's happening is this:

  • system() starts an instance of /bin/sh to interpret the commandline
  • /bin/sh starts the ngrok process in the background and terminates
  • ngrok is now "orphaned", meaning that its parent process /bin/sh is terminated, so that the ngrok process can't be wait(2)ed for
  • depending on the environment, the terminating /bin/sh may kill ngrok with a SIGHUP signal
  • or the OS re-parents ngrok, normally to the init-process (but this depends)

When you use the rails console or byebug, in both cases you're entering an interactive environment, which prepares "process groups", "session ids" and "controlling terminals" in a way suitable for interactive execution. These properties are inherited by child processes, like ngrok. This influences system policies regarding the handling of the orphaned background process.

When ngrok is started from rails server, these properties will be different (depending on the way rails server is started).

Here's a nice article about some of the OS mechanisms that might be involved: https://www.jstorimer.com/blogs/workingwithcode/7766093-daemon-processes-in-ruby

You would probably have better success by using Ruby's Process.spawn to start the background process, in combination with Process.detach in your case. This would avoid orphaning the ngrok process.

Command line won't let me type, in the midst of a Rails Console session

Something you've typed, or something output from your query in console, has disabled or redirected the "echo" setting in your shell - so, you're still able to type commands, but you just can't see them. If the Active Record query returned binary data, it's quite likely that some bytes of the binary data happened to be an escape code that changed your echo setting. It's also important to realize that if your echo setting changed, it's quite possible that other settings have changed as well.

If you're at your shell prompt, you would just type the unix command reset to restore normal settings. However, if you're still in your Rails console, you'll need to type:

system 'reset'

to run that command from Ruby.

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