Guard with Rspec on Rails 4 Giving a Lot of Warnings

Guard with RSpec on Rails 4 giving a lot of warnings

The rspec generator rails generate rspec:install now puts the --warnings option in the .rspec file by default. Remove that line, and the warnings will go away.

Rspec rails printing lot of warnings

removing --warnings option from your .rspec file would do the trick

Guard with RSpec on Rails 4 giving a lot of warnings

Too many warnings about 'circular require' when run rspec

I had same error and fixed it refs the page.

Guard with RSpec on Rails 4 giving a lot of warnings

the --warnings option in the .rspec file by default. Remove that line, and the warnings will go away.

deprecation errors when running rspec tests after updating to rails 5.0.0

The warnings were caused by the wicked_pdf gem, updating to version 1.1.0 solved the issue

Suppress Ruby warnings when running specs

If you run your specs directly with the ruby command instead of the spec wrapper, you can use the -W command line option to silence warnings:

$ ruby --help
-W[level] set warning level; 0=silence, 1=medium, 2=verbose (default)

So in your case:

$ ruby -W0 -Ispec spec/models/event_spec.rb

should not show you any warnings.

Alternatively, you could set $VERBOSE=nil before your gems are loaded, ie at the top of your environment.rb (or application.rb if you're on Rails 3). Note that this disables all warnings all the time.

Or, since you are using Rails, you should be able to use Kernel.silence_warnings around the Bundler.require block if you're using Bundler:

Kernel.silence_warnings do
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

More selectively, set $VERBOSE only for loading specific gems:

config.gem 'wellbehaving_gem'
original_verbosity = $VERBOSE
$VERBOSE = nil
config.gem 'noisy_gem_a'
$VERBOSE = original_verbosity

Rspec check if a block is yield with correct arguments

You can use a block implementation to call the passed block yourself in order to inspect its result:

expect(Parse).to receive(:publish_status).with(order.deliverer_id).once do |&block|
result =
expect(result).to be_a(Hash)
expect(result[:status]).to eq('ready')
# ...

Rspec/Capybara loading in progress, circular require considered harmful

Remove --warnings from .rspec. The generator in rspec 3.0.0 included this setting, but we've realized it was a mistake -- while it's good to encourage users to write warning-free code, it's confusing for users to get these warnings without being sure why.

For more info:

How to Stop RSpec Warning Messages

If you have /.rspec file remove --warning option from it.

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