Ruby on Rails: Pretty Print for Variable.Hash_Set.Inspect ... How to Pretty Print .Inpsect in the Console

Ruby on Rails: pretty print for variable.hash_set.inspect ... is there a way to pretty print .inpsect in the console?

you could use the awesome_print gem for that.

require 'awesome_print' # if you like to have it in irb by default, add it to your irbrc
>> ap({:a => 1, :b => [1,2,3], :c => :d})
:b => [
[0] 1,
[1] 2,
[2] 3
:a => 1,
:c => :d

btw, instead of puts object.inspect you can also just use p object which calls inspect in the object before printing it.
another way to print objects a little nicer than the default puts is to use pp from the ruby stdlib ( )

Shortcut for showing list of hashes nicely

AS said in my comments, I like to use y hash or puts YAML.dump(hash) that shows your hash in yaml. It can be used for other objects too.

h = {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}
# => {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
y h
#:a: 1
#:b: 2
#:c: 3
# => nil

There is also an informative answer about it.

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