Ruby Getting the Longest Word of a Sentence

Ruby getting the longest word of a sentence

It depends on how you want to split the string. If you are happy with using a single space, than this works:

def longest(source)
arr = source.split(" ")
arr.sort! { |a, b| b.length <=> a.length }

Otherwise, use a regular expression to catch whitespace and puntuaction.

How to search for the longest word in the string

string.split(" ")

See Enumerable#max_by.

Ruby - Find the top 3 longest words in a string

>> str = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.'
>> { |s| s.gsub(/\W/, '') }.sort_by(&:length)[-3..-1]
=> ["adipisicing", "consectetur", "exercitation"]

Ruby Error with .length method

The issue is that you're iterating through the integers 0, 1, 2 when you pass "one three" as your argument.

Unfortunately, you can't call the length method directly on the integer/fixnum i. Instead, you want to call it on the element at the index i of the array sentence1 if that makes sense.

Something like this should work for you:

def longest_word(sentence)
sentence1 = sentence.split
longest_word = ""

for i in 0...(sentence1.length - 1)
if sentence1[i].length > longest_word.length
longest_word = sentence1[i]
return longest_word

Or, better yet

def longest_word(sentence)

(Stolen from

Ruby longest word in array

I would do

class Array
def longest_word

how to break long text to smaller lines by words in ruby/rails?

Rails comes with the word_wrap helper which can split long lines based on a given line width. It always splits at whitespace so long words won't get split / cut.

In rails/console:

lines = helper.word_wrap("a b c d e text longword", line_width: 5)
#=> "a b c\nd e\ntext\nlongword"

puts lines


a b c
d e

Note that it returns a string, not an array.

Ruby: Create function to find the word with most repeated letters

You have two problems:

  • counter is not being updated.
  • Array#uniq returns nil if no change is made (as do many "bang" methods), raising the exception. Use uniq.

This should work:

str = "one two three"
arr = str.split
counter = 0
most_repeat_letter_word = nil

arr.each do |w|
candidate = w.length - w.split('').uniq.length
if candidate > counter
most_repeat_letter_word = w
counter = candidate
puts most_repeat_letter_word
#=> three

Edit: Alas, I misread the question (even though I corrected the OP's stab), but I did answer another interesting question. squeeze needs to be replace by uniq above, as @DarkMouse did in his answer.]

You can use String#squeeze to advantage here, to remove duplicate repeated characters:

str = "Three blind mice, see how they run."
str.split.max_by { |w| w.size-w.downcase.squeeze.size }
#=> "Three"

Extract the last word in sentence/string?

This should work just fine

"my random sentence".split.last # => "sentence"

to exclude punctuation, delete it

"my rando­m sente­nce..,.!?".­split.last­.delete('.­!?,') #=> "sentence"

To get the "last words" as an array from an array you collect

["random sentence...",­ "lorem ipsum!!!"­].collect { |s| s.spl­it.last.delete('.­!?,') } # => ["sentence", "ipsum"]

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