Ruby Datamapper Table Inheritance with Associations

How to: Single Table Inheritance in DataMapper?

I would recommend this approach:

module DownloadableResource

def self.included base
base.class_eval do
include DataMapper::Resource

property :created_at, DateTime
property :modified_at, DateTime
property :active, base::Boolean, default: true

property :position, Integer

property :title, String, required: true
property :url, base::URI, required: true
property :description, base::Text, required: true

property :type, base::Discriminator

class Book
include DownloadableResource
property :id, Serial
# other properties

class Download
include DownloadableResource
property :id, Serial
# other properties

DataMapper - Single Table Inheritance

If you look at the SQL that's being generated it gives you a clue as to what's going on (if you don't know, you can do this with, :debug) before your call to DataMapper::setup).

Person.all simply generates:

SELECT "id", "type", "name", "age" FROM "people" ORDER BY "id"

as you would expect.

Male.all generates:

SELECT "id", "type", "name", "age" FROM "people"
WHERE "type" IN ('Male', 'Father', 'Son') ORDER BY "id"

and Person.all(:type => Male) generates:

SELECT "id", "type", "name", "age" FROM "people"
WHERE "type" = 'Male' ORDER BY "id"

So when you use Male.all Datamapper knows to create an SQL IN clause containing the names of all the appropriate classes, but when you use Person.all(:type => Male) uses just the type you specify and none of the subclasses.

A similar direct comparison must be happening when you query a collection rather than the database with @people.all(:type => Male).

In order to correctly get all subclasses of a type in a query you can use the descendants method.

People.all(:type => Male.descendants) generates this SQL:

SELECT "id", "type", "name", "age" FROM "people"
WHERE "type" IN ('Father', 'Son') ORDER BY "id"

In this case this will return what you want, but note that the IN clause doesn't contain Male, it's only the descendants of the model, not including the parent of the subtree in question.

To get the 'top' class as well, you could use:

Person.all(:type => Male.descendants.dup << Male)

to add the Male class to the IN clause. Note the dup is needed, otherwise you'll get stack level too deep (SystemStackError).

This will also work on collections as expected:

@people.all(:type => Male.descendants.dup << Male)

will return all males without hitting the database (assuming @people already contains all the people).

If you do decide to use the descendants method, note that although it isn't marked as private in the docs, it's marked @api semipublic in the source, so look out when upgrading Datamapper. The << method in Male.descendants.dup << Male is marked as private, so the warning applies even more here. I got this usage from the source to Discriminator.

Missing properties

Your other issue about not being able to get certain properties looks like it's something to do with lazy loading, but I can't work out exactly what's going on. It might be a bug.

When you load all females with @women = Female.all the SQL generated is:

SELECT "id", "type", "name", "age" FROM "people"
WHERE "type" IN ('Female', 'Mother', 'Daughter') ORDER BY "id"

so only attributes possessed by all members are fetched. The favorite_song of mothers is then fetched the first time you reference it. The lines:

puts women.first.inspect
puts women.first.favorite_song
puts women.first.inspect

give (including the SQL log showing when the missing value is fetched):

#<Mother @id=4 @type=Mother @name="Wanda" @age=47 @favorite_song=<not loaded>>
~ (0.000069) SELECT "id", "type", "favorite_song" FROM "people" WHERE "id" = 4 ORDER BY "id"
Suspicious minds
#<Mother @id=4 @type=Mother @name="Wanda" @age=47 @favorite_song="Suspicious minds">

However, when I do something similar in an each block, the query to fetch the missing value doesn't incude the favorite_song, and the value is set to nil in the model:

women.each do |w|
next unless w.respond_to? :favorite_song
puts w.inspect
puts w.favorite_song
puts w.inspect

gives the output (again including the SQL):

#<Mother @id=4 @type=Mother @name="Wanda" @age=47 @favorite_song=<not loaded>>
~ (0.000052) SELECT "id", "type" FROM "people" WHERE "type" IN ('Female', 'Mother', 'Daughter') ORDER BY "id"

#<Mother @id=4 @type=Mother @name="Wanda" @age=47 @favorite_song=nil>

I don't know if I'm missing something here, or if this is indeed a bug.

One-to-one DataMapper association

There are different ways you could do this. Here's one option:

class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
# Other properties...
has 1, :referee, :required => false
has 1, :player, :required => false

class Referee
include DataMapper::Resource
# DON'T include "property :id, Serial" here
# Other properties...
belongs_to :user, :key => true
class Player
include DataMapper::Resource
# DON'T include "property :id, Serial" here
# Other properties...
belongs_to :user, :key => true

Act on the referee/player models like:

u = User.create(...)
u.referee = Referee.create(...)
u.player = Player.create(...)

u.player.kick_ball() # or whatever you want to call
u.referee.flag_play() # or whatever.

See if this works. I haven't actually tested it but it should be good.

DataMapper associations/validation causing save failure

Okay, so I derped on inheritance, and should have read more of the documentation. What was happening was I missed the property :type, Discriminator needed when using subclasses. So even though my one subclass didn't need a device associated with it, the other did, so that's what was triggering the error.

My working model looks like this:

DataMapper to migrate data from one table to another.

I don't think that's the intention of dm-migrations. I believe the easiest way would be something like this:

DataMapper.setup(:default, db1_config)
DataMapper.setup(:new, db2_config)
class Foo
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String

Foo.each do |foo|
DataMapper.repository(:new) do
# It may not let you set the "id" attribute here...


In hindsight, I'm not sure if you were asking how to to copy table structure as to opposed to table data. This is obviously copying table data.

Single Table Inheritance in Sequel::Model (Ruby ORM)

You want the single_table_inheritance plugin:

class Provider < Sequel::Model
plugin :single_table_inheritance, :provider_type
class Center < Provider
class Sponsor < Provider

This will work, but only if the provider_type column matches exactly "Center" or "Sponsor". If not, you might need to add a :model_map option to the plugin call. The documentation on this plugin is located at

Datamapper 'belongs_to / has n' ignoring :required = false

There used to be a bug in old DM which was causing this behavior. I'd strongly suggest porting this app to recent Rails & DM.

Ruby Datamapper will not insert serial data

Thanks to Zoltan for putting me on the right track. I added .chomp to sp.gets to remove the new line that sp.gets does. This allowed the database insert to occur.

Having done that, I still require the new line for the printf and file insert so will need to alter some code. Not expecting too many issues with this.

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