Sinatra Not Persisting Session with Redirect on Chrome

Sinatra Sessions Not Persisting as Expected

It seems as though the session hash is not loaded until a session variable is referenced. So, for example, you get the expected result if you change the redirect handler to:

get '/redir' do
puts 'session2'
puts session[:foo]
pp session
'hello world'

I guess Sinatra is using the session directly from Rack. A quick peek at the source shows that the session hash is lazily loaded when the [] method (and others) are invoked:

Sinatra clears session on post

I was suffering from the same issue as you: sessions were being cleared on post.

I have no idea why this works, but this is my solution:

#enable :sessions
use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => 'rack.session',
:path => '/',
:secret => 'your_secret'

I literally just replaced the enable :sessions bit with use Rack::Session::Cookie ... and now all is good in the world.

Why cookie doesn't work using Sinatra and Omniauth?

Is was a trivial problem, just add the path to the cookie: response.set_cookie 'test', {:value=> "facebook_callback", :path => "/"}

The reason why I did not notice was that there is a redirect to "/", so Chrome was only showing me the cookies for the path "/". Removing the redirect, I notice I have two cookies named "test". One with "/" path and the other with "/auth" path.

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