Rspec View Undefined Method Stub_Model

Rspec view undefined method stub_model

What is your rspec-rails version?

According to the Changelog and this Commit mock_model and stub_model are removed since version 3.0.0 of rspec-rails.

rspec mocks are externalized in an another gem rspec-activemodel-mocks . You should include it in your Gemfile and try it.

Hope it helps

rspec mocking undefined method `stub_model' for #Class:0x007ff9c339bd80 (NoMethodError)

See comment in original question. Like a bad knot in my neck, it seems to have worked itself out.

Rspec View test model stub variable not passing to the view for loop

RSpec's stub_model expects a constant as an argument such as an ActiveRecord::Base subclass used to define a model. It also expects either additional parameters or a block in order to set the values of the instance of the class.

You've passed in an ActiveModel::Relation, which is the result of a the all, and even if you'd provided the expected class constant, you haven't provided any parameter values.

See the examples for how this is intended to be used at

stub_model deprecated rspec

See for a definition of deprecation. You get rid of deprecation warnings by no longer using the feature in question. Usually, the deprecation warning suggests an alternative approach to what you are trying to do.

In the case of stub_model, the advice was to include a gem, since the functionality was going to be removed from the main RSpec software but would continue to be available in that gem.

In the case of pending, the need for a feature (passing a block) was eliminated, so continued use of that feature made no sense. See for more information on this issue and see the larger article for more discussion of deprecation-inducing changes.

Stub Model Save Method in Rspec/Rails

If I'm not mistaken, Alliance.stub(:save) would affect calls to You want @alliance.stub(:save).and_return(true).

Mocha has a useful method any_instance, so you could do something like Alliance.any_instance.stubs(:save).returns(true), which would (as the name implies) stub the save method for any instance of Alliance.

Rails/Rspec - How to stub a model method inside of a controller test?

allow(Tasks).to receive(:assign_random_test?).and_return(true)

RSpec.describe TaskController, type :controller do 
describe '#next' do
before do
allow(Tasks).to receive(:assign_random_test?).and_return(true)

context 'when assign_random_test' do
it 'should return result' do
#your test here

context 'when not assign_random_test' do
before do
allow(Tasks).to receive(:assign_random_test?).and_return(false)
it 'should return result' do
#your test here

Rspec 3 upgrade issues with view.stub (Rails)

allow(view).to receive_messages(current_user: nil)

Notable Changes in RSpec 3

issue with stubs and rspec old syntax

Do it like this instead:

allow(hand).to receive(:cards) { cards }

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