Rspec: Stubbing Kernel::Sleep

RSpec: stubbing Kernel::sleep?

If you are calling sleep within the context of an object, you should stub it on the object, like so:

class Foo
def self.some_method
sleep 5

it "should call sleep" do

The key is, to stub sleep on whatever "self" is in the context where sleep is called.

How to test kernel sleep method in module in Rspec 3.5?

I believe it's not working because you're not putting the expectation on the right thing. It looks like you've tried putting it on Kernel, and on the class under test, but you need to put it on the instance:

it 'sleeps retry api calls' do
thing =
allow(thing).to receive(:sleep)


expect(thing).to have_received(:sleep).with(1)

The above has a test smell in that it is stubbing the class under test. But I think it's probably better than enforcing some design constraint here and losing some of Ruby's elegance in just calling sleep.

Stub sleep with RSpec

You should stub sleep on the object it is called on


class SleepTest
def sleep_method
sleep 2

And in your test

sleep_test =
allow(sleep_test).to receive(:sleep)

stubbing a class method inside a method in rspec to return true

Ensure the syntaxing of mocking the return value is correct:


In Ruby, classes are written in TitleCase and methods are written in snake_case. The method to be received should be a :symbol.

RSpec how to stub open?

I found a solution here on Stack Overflow after some more time on Google (I can't believe I didn't find this before).

Explanation taken from here and written by Tony Pitluga (not linkable).

If you are calling sleep within the context of an object, you should stub it on the object[...]

The key is, to stub sleep on whatever "self" is in the context where sleep is called.

So I did this and it all worked out:

let(:read) { mock('open') }

it "should return the new log-level when the log level was set successfully" do
read.stub(:read).and_return('log-level set to 1')

kannel.set_log_level(1).should == 1

RSpec Stubbing out in order to test a method

Add this to your before block.

allow(Date).to receive(:today).and_return,2,3)

I *think* it is not necessary to unstub.

Rspec 3 stubbing user input

In order to silence test results from appearing in the command line when you run specs, you can stub out $stdout's output stream:

before do
allow($stdout).to receive(:write)

In order to send a return character with your stubbed input, you'll need to provide it with a newline character:

allow(greeting).to receive(:gets).and_return("Brian\n")

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