Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu 14.04

Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu 14.04

I did try installing a couple different versions. Would this cause a



Follow the given step would help.

1: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3

2: \curl -sSL | bash # install RVM (development version)

3: rvm get head # Make Sure RVM up to date

4: rvm install ruby # will install latest version of ruby

5: rvm list # Listing install rubies will you get versions of ruby which is installed by RVM

6: rvm use < ruby-version > # for instances ruby-1.9.3-p125

7: gem install jekyll

Edit Update As you edited answer in your senerio

trevor~$ rvm list

rvm rubies

ruby-2.0.0-p643 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-2.2.1 [ x86_64 ]
=* ruby-2.2.4 [ x86_64 ]

rvm use 2.2.1
gem install jekyll

Would work !!!

Error running jekyll on ubuntu 14.04

Switch to the directory where the site is located and run:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll -v

This bundle exec prefix will load the proper gemset as specified in Gemfile.

Gem does not install Jekyll on Ubuntu 14.04: command not recognized

We have two apparently contradictory pieces of information. On one hand jekyll is installed since the command jekyll -v is recognized. On the other hand, both the error you get and the gem list output tell us that your particular version of Ruby doesn't have jekyll installed.

You have a couple of issues to contend with:

  1. OS vs Gem
  2. Ruby version

Here is how you can try to solve it:

  1. Uninstall the apt-get version of jekyll.
  2. Run jekyll -v to verify that you get a command not found error. If it's still a recognized command, run a which jekyll and sudo find / -name jekyll to figure out what's being executed.
  3. With jekyll gone for good, run ruby -v and take note of the version you are using.
  4. Install jekyll with gem install jekyll (add sudo if necessary).
  5. If you've closed your shell or switched to a different directory, run ruby -v again to make sure you are using the same version as before.
  6. Run gem list and this time it should be there.
  7. Run jekyll -v again and it should work.

Error installing jekyll on ubuntu 14.04

You have a system ruby at 1.9.3 and 2.3.0 installed with some version manager.

When you call sudo ruby or sudo gem install that's using the system Ruby.

If you just use ruby or gem install that will use the version manager.

In short, just use gem install jekyll --no-rdoc --no-ri without the sudo.

Cannot run Jekyll on Ubuntu 12.04

Running gem install json should fix the LoadError.

Commander throws that program version required error whenever there is a problem loading in the executable (in this case, bin/jekyll). As 1.8.7 can't load an internal json library (introduced in 1.9), you'll need to install the gem.

How can I install Jekyll on Ubuntu 10.04 Server?

You are using a very outdated version of RubyGems.

First, update the sources:

$ gem sources --clear-all
$ gem sources --add
$ gem sources --add

Then try to install it.

You should also login as a superuser and update the RubyGems version.
The current release is 1.3.7.

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