Round Up to the Nearest Tenth

Rounding up to the nearest tenth

just replace p = round(cx_n); with p = round(cx_n,1);

stem graph

See MATLAB documentation: round

Y = round(X,N) rounds to N digits:

  • N > 0: round to N digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • N = 0: round to the nearest integer.
  • N < 0: round to N digits to the left of the decimal point.

How to Round to the Nearest Tenth?

There's simple snippet at:

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

It will misbehave when numDecimalPlaces is negative, but there's more examples on that page.

Round up to the nearest tenth?

This works in general:


So in Ruby it should be like:


round to the nearest tenth

Multiply by 10, then round then divide back by 10:

const round = (num) => Math.round(num * 10)/10


How would I round a number (eg: 2.12) to the nearest tenth (2.1) in JS

Method 1: The quick way is to use toFixed() method like this:

var num = 2.12;
var round = num.toFixed(1); // will out put 2.1 of type String

One thing to note here is that it would round 2.12 to 2.1 and 2.15 to 2.2

Method 2: On the other hand you can use Math.round with this trick:

var num = 2.15;
Math.round(num * 10) / 10; // would out put 2.2

It would round to the upper bound.

So, choose whichever you like.

Also if you use a modern version of JS ie. ES then using const and let instead for variable declaration might be a better approach.

NOTE: remember that .toFixed() returns a string. If you want a number, use the Math.round() approach. Thanks for the reminder @pandubear

Rounding floats to nearest 10th

Here's how to round a number to the nearest tenth:

>>> round(21.3331, 1)

Here's how to print out a floating point number with one decimal point:

>>> print "%.1f" % (21.3331,)

Note that if you do it using %d it will get printed as rounded to the nearest integer:

>>> print "%d" % (21.3331,)

See the String Formatting Operations docs for more on how the % formatting works.

Value should be rounded to nearest tenth or the nearest quarter

You can use a switch statement.

Main func:

func differentRounding(value:Double) -> Double {

var decimalValue = value % 1
let intValue = value - decimalValue

switch decimalValue {
case 0.225..<0.265 :
decimalValue = 0.25
case 0.725..<0.765 :
decimalValue = 0.75
default :
decimalValue = ((decimalValue * 10).roundDownTillFive()) / 10

return decimalValue + intValue

differentRounding(1.2434534545) // 1.25
differentRounding(3.225345346) // 2.25
differentRounding(0.2653453645) // 0.3
differentRounding(0.05) // 0
differentRounding(0.04456456) // 0

Rounding down till 5 extension:

extension Double {
func roundDownTillFive() -> Double {

var decimalValue = self % 1
let intValue = self - decimalValue

switch decimalValue {
case 0.0...0.5 :
decimalValue = 0.0
case 0.5...1.0 :
decimalValue = 1.0
default :

return decimalValue + intValue

Double(0.5).roundDownTillFive() // 0
Double(0.50000001).roundDownTillFive() // 1

Round to the nearest tenth?

round($num, 1);

should round $num to the nearest tenth (the second argument specifies the precision, or the number of digits after the decimal it should round to)

how to round the decimal number to the nearest tenth in javascript

Do you actually want a number like 2758.59375 to round down to 2758.5? I would expect that number to be rounded to 2758.6, personally. Depending if you want it to round down, round up, or round to nearest, the code is slightly different.

The simplest way is to say:

> var num = 2758.59375
> num.toFixed(1)

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