Restoring Rails 3's Bundle Install Path... It's Now Install in My Root

Restoring Rails 3's Bundle Install Path... It's now install in my root

bundle install <directory name> makes the bundler install the gems in the respective directory. Running bundle install --system will set the install directory back to the system directory rather than the custom one you provided.

How can I fix an accidental 'sudo bundle install dir_name'?

After a bit of Googling around i was able to find the answer
Just run:

sudo bundle install --system and you'll have your gems back at their appropriate system directories.

bundle install returns Could not locate Gemfile

You just need to change directories to your app, THEN run bundle install :)

Can't fix 'bundle install' failing for gems with native extensions

This might be due to insufficient memory for compiling the native extensions. In my experience, bundle install is more memory intensive than simply using gem install. Take a look at /var/log/messages and see if any such issues are present. Also, use top to identify any heavyweight processes, like colleagues leaving rails console running in a screen session. ;)

cannot recover from `sudo bundle install`

Cloning the repo to a new directory would not help. You installed the gems to the standard gems directory instead of a bundle specific directory.

The best option is to install the bundle to a new directory and ignore the gems installed in the system path.

Try bundle install --path /home/akonsu/.new_project_bundle. You do not have to specify this option every time. It is remembered.

Also you need to set the permissions of the bundler's cache directory as mentioned in the comments (or delete it).

Bundle install mess

I'm assuming that you first tried something like bundle install newrelic_rpm, which created the newrelic_rpm folder and told Bundler to start using that folder as the default.

Your .bundle/config file likely contains something like this:

BUNDLE_PATH: newreli_rpm

The easiest way to fix this (assuming your Bundler is up to date), is to run this command to install everything back in the main shared system paths:

bundle install --system

Then, bundle update newrelic_rpm should do what you intended (updating the newrelic_rpm gem, rather than updating everything and putting it in newrelic_rpm).

Running bundle install fails and asks me to run bundle install

OK guess I fixed it..

For the gems that running bundle install complained about when run from inside the app directory, I installed them by going outside the app directory and doing sudo gem install [gem] one by one. Doing bundle install --gemfile=myApp/Gemfile also installed a couple of the missing gems.

I have no idea why I wasn't able to just run bundle install from inside the app directory...lame.

Installing Gems with Bundler == Big problem

That is because you also have to address where the gem location ( specifically where bundler is installed ) in your nginx start script as well.



TMPDIR=/home/shadyfront/webapps/truejersey/tmp GEM_HOME=/home/shadyfront/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p330@true /home/shadyfront/webapps/truejersey/nginx/sbin/nginx -p /home/shadyfront/webapps/truejersey/nginx/

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