Rails Fields_For Form Not Showing Up, Nested Form

Rails fields_for form not showing up, nested form

Please try

= f.fields_for :paintings, Painting.new do |p|

Nested form is not showing up!

Why are you doing fields_for ".." ?

What you want to do is <%= f.fields_for :characters %> as that will iterate through all the characters and render the fields as required in the account form. By calling fields_for on the f object you're telling the parent form that it contains nested attributes.

Secondly, you'll need to use the @account object in your form rather than building another one with @user.accounts.build. By doing it this wrong way, you're actually creating a new account object which wouldn't have any character objects pre-built for it.

In addition to this you will need to specify accepts_nested_attributes_for :characters in your Account model so that the form accepts them along with the account parameters.

Nested forms, using form_with and fields_for, iteration not working

Try setting your collection of klps to an instance variable that you can then pass as an explicit "record object" argument to the fields_for method:


def new
@klasse = Klasse.new
@klps = 3.times { @klasse.klps.build }


<%= form.fields_for :klps, @klps do |klps_form| %>
... your form...
<% end %>

See also: How do I pass an array to fields_for in Rails?

Reference: https://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper/fields_for

Rails fields_for form not showing up

Do you want many discounts or one discount?

@product.build_discount is used in a has_one association, but the rest of your code is for has_many

If you want many discounts then change it to @product.discounts.build

Otherwise, if you want just one discount, change the following:

f.fields_for :discount do |discount_form| and accepts_nested_attributes_for :discount to singular.

@products.discounts.build won't work because you can't get an association from a collection of objects. For example:

@products = Product.all
@discount = @products.discounts.build
# This won't work! You'll get an error

@product = Product.find(params[:id])
@discount = @product.discounts.build
# This will work, since you're running it on a single instance of Product

Cocoon nested form not showing in Rails 5

Your nested field form is displayed with this code:

<%= f.simple_fields_for :ingredients do |ingredient| %>
<%= render 'ingredients_fields', f: ingredient %>
<%= link_to_add_associtation 'Add Ingredient', f, :ingredients %>
<% end %>

The code inside simple_fields_for is executed once for each ingredient in @recipe (and is not shown if @recipe does not have any ingredients).

I guess you are creating an empty recipe. What you can do is add an empty ingredient to the recipe in the new method:


This will show an empty recipe in the form.

Another important issue is that the link_to_add_association (which has a typo in your OP) is inside the simple_fields_for. It must be outside, so that it is shown at the end, and even if no ingredients are present.

Finally, you are also missing:

accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredients, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true

Rails Newbie, nested fields_for not showing on edit when there is no existing record

Since the user does not have a dealer_constant at the time of edit, the fields are not showing up. What you need is following:

In user.rb add this method

def with_dealer_constant
self.biuld_dealer_constant if self.dealer_constant.nil?

Then, in app/views/user/edit.html.erb view file, do this:

<%= form_for([resource_name, resource.with_dealer_constant], url: registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put }) do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :dealer_constant do |builder| %>
<%= render "dealer_constant_fields", :f => builder %>
<% end %>

<!-- rest of the fields -->
<% end %>

Rails - Nested form fields_for not rendering

It seems you do not want to be creating new ivp6_addresses, all you want to do is build the association between computer and address when the computer is created. You can either do this with a third table to define all the computer/ivp6 relationships or you can tweak your model definitions a little bit. Below is how to do it without adding a third table.

The relationship may seem a little backwards in the wording but rails will find the ipv6 association by finding the ivp6_address_id in the computers table. If it was the other way around you would need a new ivp6_address for every computer created which is not what you said you wanted. Make sure you have the appropriate id column in the computers table for the ivp6_address_id or whatever foreign key you want to use.

Computer model:

class Computer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :ipv6_address

Ipv6Address model:

class Ipv6Address < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :ip_address
has_many :computers

Then get rid of the nested fields in your computer form and add the line below to build the association when the form is submitted.

<%= form_for( @computer ) do |f| %>
<!--All the computer fields you need-->
<%= collection_select(:computer, :ipv6_address_ids, Ipv6Address.all, :id, :ip_address, {}, { :multiple => true } )%>
<% f.button :submit %>
<% end %>

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