Ruby Post Title to Slug

Ruby post title to slug

slug = title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '')

downcase makes it lowercase. The strip makes sure there is no leading or trailing whitespace. The first gsub replaces spaces with hyphens. The second gsub removes all non-alpha non-dash non-underscore characters (note that this set is very close to \W but includes the dash as well, which is why it's spelled out here).

How to change slug before use in friendly_id gem?

You have a combination of two problems:

  1. You are literally passing the symbol :title to your .convert_slug method, so 100% of the time it just converts that to the string 'title' and returns it.
  2. The first parameter to the friendly_id thing is not the slug, it is the name (string or symbol) of a method that will be called to obtain the slug.

So, because of #1 the first parameter is always the string 'title', which friendly_id then dutifully calls as a method and the result is your original title value.

Wrapping your code in another method will get you what you want:

class CompanyJob < ApplicationRecord
extend FriendlyId

def safe_slug
slug = title.downcase.to_s
# ... your .gsubs

friendly_id :safe_slug, use: :slugged

Rails slugs in URL - using Active Record Model Post's Title attribute instead of ID

find_by_foo is not something that you need to define. ActiveRecord will take of it for you, as long as you have a column named "foo". Adding an exclamation point like you did will cause an exception to be thrown if no record is found, as opposed to returning nil without the exception if you don't use the exclamation point.

As for your specific issue, you added your slug to Post, but you're trying to search on Project.

Implementing /YYYY/MM/Title-Slug URL structure with Friendly_Id

I've got a partially-working solution that can be viewed in a new question I've just created. The index and individual posts render as desired, but I'm running into issues when creating & editing posts and I don't have a solution for yearly indexes e.g., and monthly indexes e.g.,

Additional insight on resolving these outstanding issues at the new question would be really appreciated!

A full, working implementation can be found in the accepted answer of this subsequent question.

How to set the id of a post to it's title

I am suggesting to use "Friendly_id" in LINK, it allows to use .find with slug.


# both will be available


# in gemfile
gem 'friendly_id', '~> 5.1.0'

Install in rails

bundle install
rails generate friendly_id
rails g migration add_slug_to_links slug:string:uniq
rake db:migrate


class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :product, use: :slugged


def create
@link =

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