Rails Sessions Not Saving

Rails session variable is not saving

To store a value in a session, you have to set the value in the session itself. Currently, you're setting instance variables, which will get lost if you're reloading the page:

A better way to do it will be to either set the session variables directly, or not reloading the Window on ajax success:

def set_city_session
if [1, 2, 3].include? params[:city_id].to_i
session[:city_id] = params[:city_id].to_i
if session[:city_id] == 1
session[:city_name] = "Ростов-на-Дону"
if session[:city_id] == 2
session[:city_name] = "Ставрополь"
if session[:city_id] == 3
session[:city_name] = "Краснодар"

If you'd like to set a "default" value for the sessions, you'd be best doing something like this:

Class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :set_session


def set_session
session[:city_id] ||= "1"
session[:city_name] ||= "Ростов-на-Дону"

Rails 6 session variables not persisting

Ok, found the problem. Turns out that I had copied the setting config.session_store :cache_store in development.rb from a different project I had been working on. However, this setting was added as part of the StimulusReflex setup for that other project.

From the StimulusReflex docs:

Cookie-based session storage is not currently supported by StimulusReflex.

Instead, we enable caching in the development environment so that we can assign our user session data to be managed by the cache store.

The default setting for this option is cookie_store. By changing it to :cache_store without specifying a cache repo, it implements ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore and defaults to storing it in Rails.cache, which uses the :file_store option, which dumps it in tmp/cache.

However, further down in development.rb, there is some conditional logic that assigns config.cache_store to :null_store if there is no caching-dev.txt file. This implements ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore, which is "a cache store implementation which doesn't actually store anything."

So because I had not enabled caching with rails dev:cache for this project, the session cache was getting toasted with every request.

LESSON LEARNED: Be very careful when copying config settings from an old project to a new one!

Rails sessions not storing

It appears I was trying to store the session before save.

I switched

def create
@lead = Spree::Lead.new(params[:lead])
session[:newsletter] = "true" if params[:referrer] == "newsletter"
if @lead.save

(rest of code)


def create
@lead = Spree::Lead.new(params[:lead])
if @lead.save
session[:newsletter] = "true" if @lead.referrer == "newsletter"

(rest of code)

"Haru, you are such a ninny"
-Chris Farley, Beverly Hills Ninja

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