Ruby on Rails, Nginx, Passenger on Production Server (Cannot Load Such File -- Rubygems/Path_Support)

Ruby on Rails, nginx, passenger on production server (cannot load such file -- rubygems/path_support)

I had a similar problem, though I had rvm and ruby installed only for one user. For me, the solution was to check that the application files were owned by the same user for which ruby was installed.

running a Rails app on a fresh installation of Nginx/Passenger causes error no such file to load -- bundler/setup (LoadError)

After trying various things, I gave up on having nginx installed from Debian packages. I removed it, and also removed my rubies and RVM, then reinstalled everything, following these directions. The article advises how to install nginx using the passenger-install-nginx-module command that comes with the passenger gem. It checks all dependencies, and if it can proceed, downloads and compiles nginx. By default, it's installed in /opt/nginx/.

This did not work immediately. I also had to create an nginx startup script; instructions here. Furthermore, I had to edit the /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf file to add a reference to my application, and also had to comment out the location / block. After all this, and commanding sudo service nginx restart, the site is up.

cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError) || deploy on Ubuntu 12.04 x32

You sure have some PATH issues. Inside the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, for passenger, you should be pointing to the ruby version where bundler is installed.

passenger_root /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini;
passenger_ruby /home/thomas/.rvm/wrappers/default/ruby;

You can check this with the command

$ which ruby

The output of that command should be the one you should enter for passenger_ruby

If you haven't installed bundler yet go ahead and run gem install bundler

Also make sure that you are setting the environment variable in your server block:

server {
listen 80 default;
root /var/www/blog/current/public;
passenger_enabled on;

cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)

It could be that there was a previous Ruby env installed on your system prior to your installation of 2.0? This might have had an existing GEM_PATH that lead to the /1.8 directory which the installation of version 2.0 simply kept.

The problem you where likely having, then, was that Passenger/Apache was looking in the /2.0 directory when in fact the gems were in the /1.8 directory. Your explicitly telling apache to use the /1.8 directory thus makes sense to fix the problem.

SetEnv GEM_HOME /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

You might also try using the Ruby Version Manager to handle multiple Ruby envs.

Some things I found in Google:

  • New to Ruby and am having trouble with LOAD_PATH

Production does'nt work ( Rails 5 , Passenger , Nginx )

So, it turned out that the problem was due to incorrect file permissions for the user.

Nginx was being run as www-data user which didn't have permissions to read files of the app-directory.
That is why booting of app-server was failing.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /home/rails/myapp

After using above command, passenger will be able to read the files of app-directory and will successfully start.

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