Why Do I Get a Encoding::Compatibilityerror with #Inspect

Why do I get a Encoding::CompatibilityError with #inspect?

The error message explains already the why:
inspected result must be ASCII only or use the default external encoding

In this case the inspect-command gets a UTF-8 character (Not ASCII), but the default encoding seems to be another.
The default encoding can be read in Encoding.default_external.

To avoid the error you must encode the result of inspect:

#encoding: utf-8
class Text
def initialize(txt)
@txt = txt
def inspect
#force ASCII and replace invalid/undefined characters
("<Text: %s>" % @txt).encode('ASCII', :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace)

p Text.new('Hä, was soll das?') #-> <Text: H?, was soll das?>

Instead of ASCII in encode you can use also Encoding.default_external:

("<Text: %s>" % @txt).encode(Encoding.default_external, :undef => :replace)

Encoding::CompatibilityError in rails

I got similar errors before and it turned out that the file itself that contains the code is not using UTF8 encoding :(, so you'd better check the editor you are using as it might not be using UTF8 encoded files.

Encoding::CompatibilityError in Ruby string operator

It's an encoding issue. Your encode_to_s method returns a binary string:

BCD.encode_to_s(99)          #=> "\x99"
BCD.encode_to_s(99).encoding #=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

Ruby's string literal on the other hand, creates UTF-8 encoded strings:

s = ""
s.encoding #=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>

This is probably not what you want. You can call String#b to create a binary string:

s = "".b
s.encoding #=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

Appending other binary strings should work without problems.

Ruby Gem randomly returns Encoding Error

In the Query class there is this line:

@key = Array(key).pack('N')

This creates a String with an associated encoding of ASCII-8BIT (i.e. it’s a binary string).

Later @key gets used in this line:

query = @sock.send("\xFE\xFD\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" + @key, 0)

In Ruby 2.0 the default encoding of String literals is UTF-8, so this is combining a UTF-8 string with a binary one.

When Ruby tries to do this it first checks to see if the binary string only contains 7-bit values (i.e. all bytes are less than or equal to 127, with the top byte being 0), and if it does it considers it compatible with UTF-8 and so combines them without further issue. If it doesn’t, (i.e. if it contains bytes greater than 127) then the two strings are not compatible and an Encoding::CompatibilityError is raised.

Whether an error is raised depends on the contents of @key, which is initialized from a response from the server. Sometimes this value happens to contain only 7-bit values, so no error is raised, at other times there is a byte with the high bit set, so it generates an error. This is why the errors appear to be “random”.

To fix it you can specify that the string literal in the line where the two strings are combined should be treated as binary. The simplest way would be to use force_encoding like this:

query = @sock.send("\xFE\xFD\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) + @key, 0)

Encoding::CompatibilityError in Observations when access active directory from rails

In your example @temp_search should be an array of users that meet your search criteria. Each one of those users is a Net::LDAP::Entry object. On those objects you can call methods are available corresponding to the users attributes.

If only one user is returned, the Net::LDAP::Entry object will still be inside an array. In that case you could call something like:


You can also call:

@temp_search.first.attribute_names to see all available attributes for that object.

For example, you could do something like:

<% @temp_search.each do |user| %>
#call user attributes
#etc, other attributes
<% end %>

incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

I have a suspicion that you either copy/pasted a part of your Haml template into the file, or you're working with a non-Unicode/non-UTF-8 friendly editor.

See if you can recreate that file from the scratch in a UTF-8 friendly editor. There are plenty for any platform and see whether this fixes your problem. Start by erasing the line with #content and retyping it manually.

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