Rails Each Loop Insert Tag Every 6 Items

Rails each loop insert tag every 6 items?

You can use Enumerable#each_slice in conjunction with #each to avoid inline calculations. each_slice breaks the array into chunks of n, in this case 6.

<% @images.each_slice(6) do |slice| -%>
<div class="gallery">
<% slice.each do |image| -%>
<%= image_tag(image.url, :alt => image.alt) %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

Ruhoh - Insert Tag every x items

I'm fairly new to ruby myself, however I think this solution meets your needs!

Create a new file in the plugin directory called pages_collection_view_addons.rb (if it doesn't already exist).

Add this to that file:

module PagesCollectionViewAddons
def chunks(n = 3)
# Get all the pages
pages = all
chunks = []

# Split the 'pages' array into chunks of size n
pages.each_slice(n) { |slice|
chunks.push({pieces: slice})

# Inform Ruhoh of this new addon
Ruhoh::Resources::Pages::CollectionView.send(:include, PagesCollectionViewAddons)

In your template add something such as:

{{# posts.chunks}}
<div class="row">
{{# pieces }}
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
{{/ pieces }}
{{/ posts.chunks }}

This will iterate over each of the chunks where each chunk looks like:

{pieces: [post1, post2, post3]}

Hope this helps.

Rails - How to put some data inside looping rails

Rails automatically provides a counter for your collection partial that is named name_of_model_counter (post_counter, in your case). So, you could use that to insert data only when the counter is a certain number. i.e add this to the bottom of your partial...

<% if post_counter % 3 == 0 %>
<div class="col-lg-12">
# insert data here
<% end %>

you can use a case statement (or similar) inside the div to determine the exact value of post_counter to render different data for each of them.

The important part is that post_counter exists and can be used to check which iteration you are on.

Edit for comment question:
Assuming you will know how much data there will be ahead of time, you can add another condition like this...

# replace x with the iteration number you want to stop at
<% if (post_counter <= x) && (post_counter % 3 == 0) %>

Insert items into an array while iterating

Actually, your code works, you just need to replace print d with print a[i] since what you're printing is the variable d not the actual array element at index i

Rather than deleting and inserting, why not change the element on that index?

    a = "1234567890".split("")
a.each_with_index{|d, i|
if d.eql?('5')
a[i] = ['A','B','C']
print a[i] #a[i] rather than d, since d contains the old value


if d.eql?('5')
a[i] = ['A','B','C']
d = a[i]
print d

Deleting/Inserting on an Array during iterations is discourage since it may cause headaches haha... Resort to other methods if possible :)

I've just used the current logic in your code based on my understanding, and the given desired output

the array will become [1,2,3,4,['A','B','C'],6,7,8,9,0] and not [1,2,3,4,'A','B','C',6,7,8,9,0]. If you want the other, just leave a comment :)

If what you want is just to change a value in the string, you can just use .tr or .gsub to do the job

Render n objects at a time, inserting code then repeating for the next n objects - Rails

<% @gifts.each_slice(3) do |slice| %>
<div class="row-fluid>
# slice now is a 3 element array, iterate over it and render as you see fit
<% end %>

I'm more of a HAML guy, but this should work.

Loop between a div and a div title= Page in rails


 <%= raw cycle('<div title="Pages">', '<div>') %>


 <%= cycle('<div title="Pages">', '<div>').html_safe %>

How do I loop through a model and save that to an array?

  User.where(:state => 'Arizona').each do |u|
emails = u.email

In the above logic, in every iteration, the emails will be overwritten with the iteration email.

You have to insert the emails in an array to make the logic as expected.

emails = []
User.where(state: 'Arizona').each do |u|
emails << u.email # To insert the user email into the array

You can also try to debug the values in the array whenever you face issues in logic.

   User.where(:state => 'Arizona').each do |u|
emails = u.email
p emails, "emails" # To check the value stored in the emails.

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