Rails Assets:Precompile Yarn Executable Was Not Detected in the System

rails assets:precompile Yarn executable was not detected in the system

yarn is node package manager yarn

you have to install it as here instrauction installation guide
If you have node and npm you can install it

npm install yarn -g

If you dont have npm in your machine go to this link and install node which will also install npm

If you want to manage multiple version node like RVM then you need to checkout this link

Rails precompile assets Yarn executable was not detected

Rails 5.1 comes with SUPPORT for yarn and webpack, but you need to install them yourself.
Yarn is a package manager and webpack is a package.

Follow instruction at https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/ to install Yarn in your system and then add webpack to your project like:

yarn add --dev webpack webpack-dev-server

Additionally, the message you're seeing is warning, rather than straight up error. If you do not need to use any of the fancy js packages, you can just use good ol' asset pipeline

Heroku not updating, getting error Yarn executable was not detected in system

For this particular issue, my problem was with Sass. Running

gem install sassc

resolved this issue for me. I still cannot deploy to heroku to do Bundler issues, but there is no longer an issue about precompiling assets.

Precompile error when push to Heroku Rails app with yarn

The best way is to use elements.heroku.com/buildpacks/yarnpkg/yarn this yarn build pack in Heroku and precompile all asset before pushing to Heroku and if that not work for you please continue to use this gem github.com/tylergannon/toastr-rails

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