Rails Catch-All/Globbing Routes

How can I create a Rails 3 route that will match all requests and direct to one resource / page?

Rails needs to bind the url parameters to a variable, try this:

match '*foo' => 'content#holding'

If you also want to match /, use parenthesis to specify that foo is optional:

match '(*foo)' => 'content#holding'

Ruby-on-Rails: route for path with arbitrary number of components?

Oh! I found the answer here: Rails catch-all route

I just do this ...

get "xyz/*pathvar", to: "xyz#handler"

... and the full path that appears after /xyz will appear in params['pathvar'].

Redirect all break url to a specific method - In Ruby on Rails

duplicate question

Rails catch-all route


match '*path' => 'your_controller#your_action' at the end of the
routes.rb file. This is important, since the routes are stepped
through top down.

See also http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html -> 3.10

all routes that are not catched prior to this one will be dispatched to your_controller#your_action

Rails route only if resource is present

In an ideal world, I'd do something like this in my routes.rb file:

No way. In Rails World, this functionality should go inside controller.

In controller you can do something like

def show
if Promo.exists?(promo_id)
#do something
raise ActionController::RoutingError.new('Not Found')


With routes, you can do something like this

constraints(lambda { |req| Promo.exists?(req.params["promo_id"]) }) do
get '/:promo_id' => 'promos#show

Please keep in mind that this constraints will query the database for every request with a url matching the pattern /:promo_id (e.q. /users, /faq). To avoid unnecessary database queries that decrease your website performance, you should add this rule as far as possible to the end of your routes.rb.

How to override Rails 3.1 Routing Error when using engines with glob routes?

The right way to handle this used to be rescue_from and a custom error handler, rather than with an engines-hostile catchall route. However, custom error handlers are no longer supported in Rails 3.1 and this likely won't be fixed until Rails 3.2, if ever. If you need custom error handling and you use engines with routes, the vidibus-routing_error gem provides a workaround.

Another option is to put your custom error handler into a Rack endpoint at the bottom of your stack.

Non-Resourceful Routes and POST

The get method in your route is declaring a single route, which in this case is a GET request. If you want to define both a custom GET and a POST in one line, you can use match.

From the Rails Guide:

match 'photos/show' => 'photos#show', :via => [:get, :post]

Catch-all/wildcard route in Elixir's Phoenix?

Ah, the famous pokemon route:

get "/*path"

You will find the paths inside conn.params["path"] or as conn.path_info.

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