How to Install Ruby-Debug When Needing Necessary Libraries And/Or Headers

How to install ruby-debug when needing necessary libraries and/or headers

The error is in the mkmf.log file. That file should be located at /home/hxh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/linecache-0.46/ext/linecache/mkmf.log.

If not, you can use

sudo find / -name mkmf.log

to find it.

To troubleshoot further, see "How to install Nokogiri Ruby gem with mkmf.log saying libiconv not found?"

error in install ruby-debug-base on ruby 2.0.0p247

for ruby > 1.8.x you have to use another gem apparently (byebug), ref:
How to use the debugger with Ruby 2.0?

How to get rid of this error when trying to run ruby-debug on a ruby script

Ended up solving my problem by installing the gem debugger instead:

  • Add the gem to your Gemfile: gem 'debugger', group: [:development, :test]
  • Run bundler: bundle install

If you need some guidance on how use the gem follow the video tutorial Creating a blog in 15 minutes with Rails - Part 2. Basically, you need to do two things to interrupt the server rendering a page.

  • Add the command debugger somewhere in your ruby code. If its a view use <% debugger %> instead.
  • Start the server with a parameter: rails server --debugger

gem install ruby-debug19 - *** extconf.rb failed ***

ruby-debug19 only works on Ruby 1.9. For Ruby 2.0 and above use byebug.

gem install byebug

Could not create Makefile for some reason - Trying to install Ruby Gem

Reading the installation instructions of Rugged, you can see that both CMake and pkg-config are required. Looking at your error message, it seems like CMake is not installed on your system.

If you are using Homebrew, you can install it by running

brew install cmake

Or you can install it from the source following these instructions.

Mac 10.8.4 failed to install any native ruby gem extension

Finally I've solved my problem, by reinstall xcode and command line tools, and then reinstall ruby with rvm

An error occurred while installing curb (0.8.5), and Bundler cannot continue

Try installing libcurl4-openssl-dev and then installing again curb (give it a try with sudo as well if that fails again)

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