Rails Before_Filter for Specific Actions in Controller

Rails before_filter for specific actions in controller

Create in your ApplicationController method:

def check_privileges!
redirect_to "/", notice: 'You dont have enough permissions to be here' unless current_admin || current_company

And then in your controller:

before_filter :check_privileges!, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :save]


before_filter :check_privileges!, except: [:index, :show]

How to apply before_filter to every action of every controller in Rails 3.2.11?

To ensure that filters apply to all actions, place it in the application_controller.rb.

before_filter: is it possible to specify controller for action?


  • Use a skip_before_filter in the UsersController

    skip_before_filter :login_required, :only => :show

  • Applying the before_filter individually to each controller, if your exceptional cases grow.

Use action from a controller as filter in another controller in rails

@NickM has covered this in his comment... have OtherController inherit from PermissionController

class PermissionController < ApplicationController
def authorize

class OtherController < PermissionController
before_filter :authorize

However I note your authorize method has a parameter?

You'll need to handle that in the before_filter clause. Assuming you can store permission_id in a session variable...

class PermissionController < ApplicationController
def authorize(permission_id)

class OtherController < PermissionController
before_filter { |controller| controller.authorize(session[:permission_id] }

Rails use not condition with before_filter

You could pass a block to before_filter:

before_filter { |c| !c.logged_in? }

But this wouldn't really do anything, since the return value from the before filter isn't going anywhere. If you want to execute an action if a user is not logged in, then you should be putting that action into the before_filter.

For example, if the action was to redirect to the login page, path, you could do this:

before_filter { |c| redirect_to login_path unless c.logged_in? }

That's actually long enough to justify a method of its own:

before_filter :login_required

def login_required
redirect_to login_path unless logged_in?

In rails, does a method called in the before filter of a controller run for every action?

before_filter will call the method for every request to the controller. You can set it to run only for some actions:

before_filter :authorize, :only => :delete

Or even prevent it from running in particular actions:

before_filter :authorize, :except => [:index, :show]

BTW, the new syntax for before_filter is before_action

Do before_filter :except work across subclass controller?

Normally this should work. Make sure you are using symbols, as @jdl is saying.

Most of the times we use a different approach though. In your ApplicationController you write

before_filter :authorize

So that by definition all access is authorized. In your UsersController you can then add an exception:

skip_before_filter :authorize, :only => [:index, :show, :different_controller_method]

Hope this helps.

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