Rails 4 Nested Attributes Not Saving

Rails 4 nested attributes not saving

Looks like you're using the wrong form builder object. Change the question section to something like this:

<%= f.fields_for :question do |question_builder| %>
<%= question_builder.label :content %>
<%= question_builder.text_area :content %>

<%= question_builder.fields_for :answer do |answer_builder| %>
<%= answer_builder.label :content, "Answer" %>
<%= answer_builder.text_field :content %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

Originally you were using the f form builder in the line f.fields_for :answers..., however given your model code, since it is a Question that accepts_nested_attributes_for an Answer, we simply exchange the form builder object for the one used for the question section.

Note: I changed the names of the builder objects for clarity.


In order to build a deeply nested relationship like this, you will have to loop through your "built" association (questions in this case), and invoke build again on its has_many association. So going off of gabrielhilal's answer, you would do this:

def new
@survey = Survey.new
@survey.questions.each do |question|

Note that in your case, since you are explicitly creating only one question, you can technically do this instead (instead of the loop):


Disclaimer: If there is a cleaner, more Rails-y, way to do this, I am sadly unaware of it.

Rails not saving nested attributes

You need to add inverse_of option to the has_many method in class Task:

class Task < ApplicationRecord
has_many :task_items, inverse_of: :task
has_many :items, through: :task_items

accepts_nested_attributes_for :task_items, :allow_destroy => true

This is due to the when creating a new TaskItem instance, it requires that the Task instance already exists in database to be able to grab the id fo the Task instance. Using this option, it skips the validation.

You can read this post about inverse_of option and its use cases.

fields_for has an option to specify the object which is going to store the information. This combined with building each of the TaskItem from the has_many collection should ensure that all the relationship are set correctly.

View Code:

<%= form_for @task do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %><br>
<%= f.text_field(:title, {:class => 'form-control'}) %><br>

<% @items.each do |item| %>
<% task_item = @task.task_items.build %>
<%= f.fields_for :task_items, task_item do |ti| %>
<%= ti.label item.description %>
<%= ti.text_field :cost %>
<%= ti.hidden_field :item_id, value: item.id %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= f.submit({:class => 'btn btn-primary'}) %>
<% end %>

Controller Code:

def index

def new
@items = Item.all
@task = Task.new

def create
@task = Task.new(task_params)
redirect_to action: "index"


def task_params
params.require(:task).permit(:id, :title, task_items_attributes: [:id, :item_id, :cost])

Rails nested attribute not saving

that's because your @blog is not persisted in the db yet, so you won't have the id.

In your Tag model, remove :id from validation.

You should be able to just do Blog.create(blog_params)

Rails should handle the rest for you.

Nested attributes in Ruby on Rails not saving

The problem should be in your fields_for. It should probably be:

<%= f.fields_for :cue do |ff| %>

Not cues since it is only one. Then you need to build the cue. This can be done either in controller or in the view directly, for example like this:

<%= f.fields_for :cue, @block.build_cue do |ff| %>

In your block params you then also need to change it to cue_attributes, and also allow id.

def block_params
params.require(:block).permit(:block_code, :block_duration, :cue_code, :location_code, :scene_code, :block_description, :cue_attributes => [:id, :cue_code, :cue_type_code, :cue_description, :cue_method_name])

You can also read a lot more information here:


Regarding your second Update:

Your first migration adds a column block_id of type binary. It should definitely be integer instead. That said, you don't even need the first migration at all, because your second migration will handle all of it correctly, if you change blocks to block in add_reference. It should look like this:

class AddBelongsToToCues < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_reference :cues, :block, index: true
add_foreign_key :cues, :blocks

The add_reference needs to add a reference to one block not multiple. This will then create the right column for you.

See also: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/ConnectionAdapters/SchemaStatements.html#method-i-add_reference

Ruby on Rails nested attributes not saving into database?

You must add the nested params to your strong params

def todo_params
params.require(:todo).permit(:user_id, :list, items_attributes: [:id, :text, ...])

Note about todo_id :

You don't need to add :todo_id in items_attributes list, because you already have the TODO as context.

@todo = Todo.new(todo_params)

In the above code, your todo_params will contain some item_attributes linked to @todo. ie, it's similar to doing


It will already create an item with a todo_id corresponding to @todo.id

Rails 4 - belong_to nested object fields are not saved

  • As you JSON object showing, you are not using rails fields_for or something on view form. So you don't need this( accepts_nested_attributes_for :appealer ) line in your model. Model should be like this:

      class Appeal < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :appealer, :autosave => true
  • Next thing, in your current logic,for your appealer_params, change appealer_params method with this:

    def appealer_params
    params.require(:appealer).permit(:first_name, :last_name)
  • Create action logic for your scenario:

    def create
    @appeal = Appeal.new(appeal_params)
    if appealer_params.present?
    appealer = Appealer.create(appealer_params)
    @appeal.appealer = appealer

    if @appeal.save
    respond_with @appeal
    respond_with {:error}

Nested attributes not being saved in rails form

use the iteration of the first @customer so rails can read properly
i saw this example https://www.sitepoint.com/complex-rails-forms-with-nested-attributes/

 <%= f.fields_for :booking do |ff| %>  
<%= ff.select :city_id,options_for_select(City.pluck(:name, :id)) %>

i hope it works cross finger :)

Rails nested attributes not displayed in SHOW/not saving parent id

By "parent_id is not saved", do you mean gallery_id is not being saved to album?

If yes, my first thought is I think you should change this line of code in your album create method from @album = @gallery.albums.new(album_params) to @album = @gallery.albums.create(album_params). This immediately creates the album with the existing params in album_params which I hope includes the gallery_id in it before you proceed with adding the photos to the album.

Secondly, can you please update your question with the logs from the console so that we can confirm what's in the album_params.

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