Partial Haml Templating in Ruby Without Rails

Partial HAML templating in Ruby without Rails

I've done this before, just for a quick-and-dirty template producer. The easiest way is to just render the HAML inside the parent object:

%p some haml that's interesting
='%p this is a test').render
%p some more template

You'll more than likely want to build some methods to make this easier--a couple of helper methods. Maybe you write one called render_file that takes a filename as an argument. That method might look something like:

def render_file(filename)
contents =

Then, your template would look more like:

%p some template
= render_file('some_filename.haml')
%p more template

Note, you will probably need to pass self to the original Haml::Engine render so that it knows how to find your render_file method.

Rendering HAML partials from within HAML outside of Rails

It's best to combine haml & sass with a tool for building static websites. Here's some links:

  • StaticMatic
  • Serve
  • Haml Jekyll -- a fork of Jekyll that supports haml.
  • Middleman

I'm using jekyll for my blog, but if you're not building a blog it's probably not appropriate for your needs.

Rails error says cannot find a certain partial template, but I did not define any

Assuming the _ingredients_firelds.html.haml above is a typo, so you have a file named _ingredients_fields.html.haml under /views/recipes/, try adding recipes folder to the path like this:

= render '/recipes/ingredients_fields', f: ingredient

You may also have a typo in your code.

EDIT: Ah I see you are using a cocoon gem. So rename your _ingredients_fields.html.haml to ingredient_fields.html.haml. Coocon expects you to have a Ingredient model class, so use singular here.

How can I split a HAML template into different partials/includes in PHP?

Quite an old question, but I've updated the source code of phpHaml to reflect this new functionality!

Check out the commit @github

How to render partial in HAML that only contains a conditional block

I believe attachments.each_file on line 1 is expecting a block. It doesn't throw an error in the case of having 0 files, because it never attempts to yield anything. But in the case that there are files, each_file is trying to yield the files to a block and raising the error you're seeing because there is no block to yield to.

Is there another way for you to test if there are any files? Something like !attachments.files.empty? or attachments.files.count > 0?

How to render a partial in sinatra view (haml in haml)?

EDIT: !!! OUTDATED !!! Read Jason's answer below!

What are you trying works in rails! Sinatra has no partial method. An implementation of partial on Sinatra looks like this (source gist) from github:

module Haml
module Helpers
def partial(template, *args)
template_array = template.to_s.split('/')
template = template_array[0..-2].join('/') + "/_#{template_array[-1]}"
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
options.merge!(:layout => false)
if collection = options.delete(:collection) then
collection.inject([]) do |buffer, member|
buffer << haml(:"#{template}", options.merge(:layout =>
false, :locals => {template_array[-1].to_sym => member}))
haml(:"#{template}", options)

Including this method, you may call partial in your .haml files, like

= partial("partial_name")

If you want to render a view in an other view syntax is

= render(:haml,:'rel_path_to_view',:locals => {:optional => option})

Notice the syntax differences between rails and sinatra regarding render method!

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