Missing File in Gem After Build

Missing File in Gem after Build

One of the things bundler did for you is start a local git repo to version-manage your gem code. Check that you have added the file in git

git add lib/gem_name/missing_file.rb

Bundler generated gems use git internally to track "membership" of source files for the gem. You can see this in the .gemspec where it uses backticks to call out to git and generate a file list:

gem.files         = `git ls-files`.split($/)

Note this also means you should pay attention to what you list in .gitignore

Single file from gem missing after bundle install, included when using gem install

So the root cause of the issue was the existence of the vendor/cache from bundler, which included a version of the gem with some faulty namings. As the gem version was not bumped while troubleshooting the issue, bundler always used the cached version.

Even though the gem was uninstalled from the system completely, it was still available in the local vendor/cache. Upon bundle install in that folder, bundler realized it had that gem available and used it from the cache.
That's also why the issue didn't appear with gem install, since with that the vendor/cache created by bundle gets ignored.

Ruby Gem .gem is empty after 'gem build'

On Windows operating system the following two lines would not obviously work:

s.files         = `find *`.split("\n").uniq.sort.select{|f| !f.empty? }
s.test_files = `find spec/*`.split("\n")

They are used to produce arrays of files (sources and tests) out of your current directory structure. Both call a system to execute find command which does unlikely happen to exist in Windows. To overcome the issue (since your gem is relatively small) just list all the files manually, or use Dir#[] or use any unix to build the gem. Something like that should work (not tested):

s.files = Dir['./**/*'] # .select { |f| ... } # condition to include file

Skipping some files when building new gem

Remove config.yml from s.files in your project.gemspec file inside your project and the file wont show up in your .gem-file.

s.files = `git ls-files`.split($/)
s.files -= ["spec/config.yml"]

Gem development can't add new file

Typically you'd add all the class/module files to the load path in the spec_helper.rb file:

$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__)
require "your_gem"

need to build gemspec and install gem everytime in make a change in gem file

Yes, it is possible to test your gem functionality without build and install it every time. Just specify path option in your application Gemfile (not in your gem):

gem 'your gem name', path: 'path to your gem directory'

After that you can just restart application to reload changes in your gem.

Here is more details about path option.

I added the gem in rails, but it still says gem missing?

Now that Rails 3 is using bundler, you need to make it explicit that you want access to a specific gem in your app. To do this, go into your Gemfile (in the root directory of your project) add this line:

gem 'omniauth'

then run bundle install in the project directory, and you should be good to go. bundle install simply makes sure that all gems and dependencies are installed on the current system. Good luck!

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